The guests are good friends who are looking at potential retirement locations. When they last visited us they fell in love with the western NC mountains (well, who wouldn't?) so they are checking out communities around here. They are low maintenance guests and we will enjoy having them.
The Golden Girls will be especially happy. The visitors have owned Golden Retrievers for many years. They lost their beloved Maggie last year and when they visit they shower attention on Ellie and Lucy. The dogs just love it when the humans outnumber the canines. There's always someone interested in petting a dog.
While we will definitely be touring the mountains, we will also spend some time right here at home. Weather permitting we will sit on the deck and porch or just wander the woods behind our house. We have cleared a trail for the dogs and have benches and tables made from fallen trees. The girls love the opportunity to be off-leash and ramble through the woods.
Ellie perches on one of the benches, smiling in the sunshine.
Princess Lucy simply poses.
Late Entry: (because I just read the newspaper)
So our 'Heels lost and won't be going to the Final Four. [No, that's not what I read in the newpaper. You know I watched the game.] No surprise...they went further than we expected them to go. BTW: If you picked Virginia Commonwealth to go to the Final Four you have probably won your bracket pool. ESPN sponsors a bracket tournament. This year they received 5.9 MILLION entries. And how many of those entries correctly predicted the Final Four teams this year? TWO!!! Yep, that's two, the number following one. Not two million...two. How cool is that?
Here's hoping all of you have a good week. We might have more rain than we would like, but we will have a great time anyway.