The rain has definitely increased the beauty of the spring trees and flowers. We hear a lot of birdsong every morning and a pair of wrens have built several nests about our deck. There's no guarantee they will use any of them, but it is interesting to watch them working. Towhees are once again nesting in the bushes near the driveway. Chickadees have found two of our bird boxes to their liking and are nesting there. The Pileated Woodpeckers come to the suet looking quite dirty and take food back with them so we are certain they have nestlings in hollow trees nearby. Quite often we find a Tufted Titmouse flying out of the garage, but so far we have not found a nest. It's a wonderful time of year.
Lucy is holding her own. She manages to walk around a bit outside and indoors but she definitely spends more time snoozing than she did before her leg went lame. She seems happy and has adjusted to the changes in living and eating upstairs rather than the den and "doggie room." We try not to leave her alone for very long at a time, because she seems to want someone around.
A raggedy but comfortable old girl
Our Violet loves to be outdoors and especially loves bubble time. Notice the amazed look on her little face when she actually caught a bubble in her hand. Her sitter had put her hair in a "Cindy Lou Who" style. Her hair does seem to be growing. Finally. My son allows that she might be cuter with hair, but grooming a bald-headed daughter is easier. Especially after she gets something like syrup in her hair. She had her first croissant recently and has a new favorite food. She continued lip-smacking and saying "good" in the car all the way home.
Delighted to be holding a fragile bubble in her hand.
I had my endoscopy this week and it showed a narrowing of the esophagus near the stomach. The procedure included dilating the area so that my diet was liquid for 24 hours and then soft for two more days. The gastroenterologist did not think this was a significant problem but did biopsy the area to make certain. Everything went smoothly and Lucy enjoyed seeing our marvelous dog walker/sitter again. Now that I can drive myself to chemotherapy, it is no longer necessary for leave her alone and have the dog walker come by. Lucy really loves her and the walker always stays around long enough to give Lucy a good massage.
I have mentioned before that there were times last year when I wasn't at all certain that I would see another spring. But here it is in all its glory and here I am, optimistic with a healthy dose of realism. Just looking out at the trees and birds and flowers makes me happy. It helps that I do not watch any "news." I stick to reading, driving, and watching movies and documentaries. No need to get upset watching politics.
I often quote Marcus Aurelius because he had a lot of sensible advice that rings true yet.
"You have power over your mind---not outside events.
Realize this, and you will find strength."
In these days of widespread shouts of Christianity from people who do not behave at all like Christians, it is well to keep in mind that there are many gods, each as powerful to believers as any other. We must be more tolerant and come to value a good life more than a specific belief or non-belief. Another Marcus Aurelius quote says it well:
"Live a good life.
If there are gods and they are just, they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you lived by.
If there are gods and they are unjust then you should not want to worship them.
If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."