Saturday, January 28, 2017

We Love Lucy

We are finally having some normal winter weather.  And none too soon.  Two weeks of unusually warm weather have not been good for the plants or for us.  We're glad to see the frost again.  Lucy loves the cooler weather and I had her out to take some pictures of our camellias in full bloom.  (Alas, those lovely blossoms are already turning brown.)  I decided to snap a few pictures of her while we were out.

She definitely did not like having to stop her running and sniffing to sit for a photograph.  And the look on her face says it all.  No caption needed here.

OK, Lucy.  Let's move over next to the bear.

I hope you don't think I will like that one bit better.

Come on, Lucy.  Give me a smile and I'll give you a cookie.

Nope.  I'll not be bribed with a little treat.  I'm tired of this sitting stuff..

I decided to give up and let her have her fun.

I just discovered that my new laptop does not have an opening for my camera card.  And the extra USB cord I have does not fit my camera.  (The camera was bought in 2005 and I'm not sure where to find the cord that came with the camera.)  So the only way to load a photograph to my blog is to download it to another laptop and either email it to this one or put it on a flash drive.  With the injured player and the upcoming surgery, recovery, and rehab, I simply won't have time to manage the blog, so I'm going dark again, probably for a month.  I'll still be reading your blogs but I won't be posting.  All is proceeding well.  But as you might imagine, we have lots to do.

Today's quote is from Anne Frank who had more reason to despair than any of us:

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

So let's be about improving the world even as some around us try to destroy it.  We don't need to wait a single moment.  Get going and do what you can.  We must rely upon one another as never before.



Friday, January 20, 2017

Lucy is Back

Of course, Lucy has not actually been anywhere.  My computer limped along, allowing me to read your blogs but not to comment.  Or to post on my own blog.  What with the holidays and so many other things going on, I did not get a new laptop for a while.

It became more and more clear that my laptop was seriously impaired so I had it checked and was told that if we were lucky, they could obtain the really important data from it.  But there was nothing to do for the major problems with the C drive.  I was lucky.  The computer expert was able to pull all the data from the laptop.  Off I went to get a new one and in no time I was back in action.  I am totally in love with this new one.

Turns out that 2016 had one more kick in the posterior for us.  We have an injured player again who is impaired and awaiting surgery in early February.  We will definitely be able to call him a bionic man because of his metal joints.  So while I am back in cyberworld, I am also back in the real work of undertaking all the work of maintaining the household.  So I won't even try to post on a regular basis, but will hope to give you some glimpses of our Lucy in action.  (Or inaction as the case may be.)

This week we had record high temperatures, so it's hard to believe that we had 12 inches of snow just a few weeks before.  I managed to keep up with shoveling the decks and made a three-foot wide path up the driveway to the street.  Several people walking their dogs offered to come back and help.  I explained that we weren't going anywhere but thanks, anyway.

Lucy "helped" me by running zoomies in the snow until I finally made her stop and took her inside.  Goodness knows, we don't need another joint injury around here.  I was too busy to take any photographs, but this one from last year is exactly what she looked like.

Go dog go!

I had no plans to shovel the entire drive since I knew we would not get out anyway.  But the next morning, I heard people outside.  And there were three of our neighbors with their shovels working on the drive.  I grabbed my shovel and went out.  We had such a good time, catching up on the latest gossip and shoveling the snow.  In fact, we had so much fun we decided that we would gather and do all the driveways next time it snows.

While I'm glad to be back,  but I will not be posting much since I have more important duties at  home.  Good thing, too.  I can more easily avoid the "news."  I've changed from a news junkie to someone who avoids it all.

Today's quote is from Henry Ford:

When everything seems to be going against you,
Remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.