Good morning there, Mr. Cardinal. You're looking quite fine today."Well actually, lady, I'm not doing so well. I'm not that old, but I fear I'm turning bald already."Gee, you look just fine to me.
"Well, take a look at my profile. Do you notice something missing?"Oh, I see what you mean.
"Comb-overs don't work very well for birds, you know?"
That's true, but you do have a bit of topknotch left.
And you really are a beautiful bird anyway."Guess I'll just try to look at things head on for a while."
Sometimes that's the best thing to do anyway.
Heh - I love your conversations with the wildlife around your home.
Since my shoulder surgery I've noticed a marked increase in the amount of hair going down the drain - or in my brush - or anyplace at all in the house (we found some in the refrigerator last night - ick!). I have a lot of hair - but much more of this & I'll be looking like Mr. Cardinal!
Do birds actually lose feathers as they age? I have never noticed. Poor Mr. Cardinal. He is going to have to find a way to disguise his bald spot or else the ladies will be looking elsewhere.
Oh Mr. Cardinal! As my dad always told me: God made some heads perfect, and on others, He put hair!
I'm glad you told Mr. Cardinal that he still looks good -- he does.
Hope they grow back...he's gonna be cold this winter if they don't. And he is beautiful in spite of feather loss.
He's beautiful even though he's lost a few feathers.
Hi Carolyn, Mr. Cardinal still looks pretty---although he gradually will continue to molt... Wouldn't it be nice if WE could lose some of our old skin in the fall, and gain some new, beautiful skin in the spring????? ha ha ha
It's raining here today--and our birdies are eating like crazy.... The Cardinals just had another brood---so they are teaching the little ones how to eat at the feeders. They are the first birds to wake me up in the mornings and the last ones before dark --at the feeders. Special birds!!!
Maybe handsome Mr. Cardinal lost his head feathers to Mrs. Cardinal in a "discussion?" Or perhaps a moment of passion? Well, I guess we'll have to use our immagination as he sure isn't going to tell us!
How humiliating! He needs to meet my Blue Jays who are even more bald but are slowly improving. I haven't seen a cardinal with a comb over yet around here ;-)
Chuckles from here in Colorado!
An aside question: Do you have any tricks for keeping woodpeckers from pecking your house? We, um, have a problem. An expensive problem. We're planning to try putting roosting boxes on each side of the house, in hopes that individual birds will adopt them, and then stop pecking plus defend the territory. Sounds far-fetched, don't you think?
He's still a beauty. We never see cardinal so, it's always a treat to see one here.
Perhaps he is low on feathers, but high on colour!
What a cute blog. I love the way you told the story.
Well chosen words for Mr. Cardinal..better to keep your conversation positive! Cute pics of him and your commentary fit right along with your pixs. He'll get pretty again..winter is coming he can't face all that cold with a featherless head!
AH! Maybe that's how the troubles of Darth Vader cardinal in my backyard began!
I read that it's a genetic fluke in molting and that it'll grow back. I felt so bad for the one in our yard I let him eat my figs.
Here's picture I found online that looks like the one I saw. Let me know if yours starts looking like this:
Hee hee..very cute! No comb overs please!
I've never noticed birds losing their feathers before.
Wonder what causes that?
But now I'll be looking for it.
I have a lot of bald males, too. They'll be sporting a new head of hair soon. It has something to do with mites, I think.
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