Friday, September 4, 2009

Fridays are Golden

We have had a little taste of fall weather this week with cool and brisk mornings. It is so pleasant to wear fleece while sipping my morning coffee on the deck and watching the birds.

The cool weather seems to find an "on" button for our two dogs. They just love the crisp morning air. They are frisky during their morning walk and take off like rockets when we let them off lead to run the little trails on our property. With the windows and doors open, they can lie on the screened porch, watch the birds and wildlife and smell the wonderful scents of approaching autumn.

After all the activity, the girls are tired at the end of the day. When Ellie is tired she goes to a bed or her crate for a nap. Lucy will sleep wherever she finds herself.

Like a toddler, she sometimes falls asleep at (well, under) the table. She uses a chair rung for a pillow.

Lucy, that doesn't look very comfortable.
OK, I'll move.

That doesn't look much better to me.
Well, it's just fine for me.
Well, if you're comfortable.
Yawn...I think this will work...zzzz.

So begins the first week in September and Labor Day Weekend, the unofficial end of summer. At least for now, we have gloriously sunny days and a wonderful full moon in the evening. We have "lost" another five minutes of sunlight hours since Monday in case you are counting.
During this Labor Day Weekend, let us all be especially mindful of the unemployed in our country and around the world. Be more giving to your local food pantry or sharing house to help those who are temporarily unable to provide for their children. Donate money and school supplies, do some volunteer work, and help your fellow man.


Kerri Farley said...

Wonderful post! We've been having fabulous weather here too! Love your Golden Girls!

Sam said...

We're having fall weather here, too. It's so nice to go outside and not have to deal with the heat and humidity.

Hope you and the girls have a great weeekend!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post, Carolyn. Your Goldens always makes me smile. One thing for sure though: You won't have to dust the bottom of your chairs very often. ha ha

You are correct about helping others. We all need to do more to help those in need. I may not be 'laboring'--but I will do my part when it comes to helping others.

Have a great weekend.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love your advice at the bottom. Good job.
I am like Ellie I need my bed, but it would be fun to be Lucy and plop/sleep wherever.
Leaving your doors open? Aren't you afraid of the flying squirrels comeing in??? :)
Have a great weekend,

Cicero Sings said...

Just in from a little walk with his little nibs ... now, like Lucy, I feel like a wee nap.

We had a wonderful rainfall all day yesterday. So needed. Today is sunny but coolish. Nice. I'm not fond of the hot days of summer.

Dog_geek said...

We've been enjoying the touch of autumn, too - but lamenting the loss of daylight! (And hopefully we will have a bushel or two of fresh picked sweet corn for our local food pantry in the next day or two!)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what dogs think is comfortable. Of course, isn't it amazing some of the things they put in their mouths and think tastes good!

KGMom said...

I do find it interesting how much dogs seem to like to prop their heads in positions that, frankly, don't look too comfortable. Our dog does it all the time, though she seems to find a pillow to use as the prop.

Tina said...

I think everyone, including our pets, are enjoying this glorious weather...I'm like you and love those crisp mornings and hot, for me tea!
Your girls are always so cute...and comfortable..

Anonymous said...

She's such a pretty girl! Love those poses. Isn't she the one that hangs her head through the deck rail? Perhaps she has a wood fetish. :)

Anonymous said...

They certainly do seem to like the chairs.

D.K. Wall said...

We are loving the crisp cool mornings and so look forward to the first frost. And, yes, the dogs are ballistic in the mornings.

Ashley said...

I can't wait for the weather to cool down here. That sounds lovely! Adorable pictures of your dogs!

Cheryl said...

I am with Ellie and Lucy...the cooler mornings suit me well....I have much more energy than I did a few weeks ago....I adore Autumn.
I wish my body would allow me to sleep under a chair......dogs are just amazing aren't they, sleep anywhere.

I always try to think of those who are struggling....if everyone just gave a little bit, it would help enormously.....

Enjoy Labour Day....

pat said...

the dogs are so cute how they rest thier heads on furniture

George said...

I've had days when I feel as tired as Lucy looks!

Appalachian Lady said...

I also have enjoyed sitting outside in the morning, sipping tea, reading the morning paper and watching birds.

Golden Daily Scoop said...

We're starting to have fall weather here too, and today we closed the depressing!!! Love your pics, how sweet!!!

lotsa licks,

Twisted Fencepost said...

Sounds like my son when he was younger. He slept wherever he got still enough.
Great reminder for us all to help eachother.

Pat said...

Love golden favorite dog...friendly,simple minded and gentle.
Just love them!
Weather is a litle cooler here this week which I like.

Beth said...

Thanks for the reminder to remember the unemployed. We've been there, more than once, and it's not a happy place.

I love the transition of summer to fall. Like your girls, I start feeling pretty frisky with the chill in the air and all those wonderful autumn smells. :-)

KB said...

I love the photos of Lucy under the chair. It's amazing how the dogs can be comfy in the craziest places!

Glad that it's cooling down for you, finally. For us, it's been cooling for a while but Labor Day means that the tourists leave, which makes our world quieter. A nice thing.

NCmountainwoman said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone.

Suz - the door left open leads to the screened porch with no other opening so we don't have to worry about those pests there.

Dog Geek - I've loved reading about your garden. How nice that you can share it with others.

cat-a-blog and Patsi - Thanks for dropping by.

Donna - I've never noticed Ellie doing that, but sometimes I actually wake Lucy and make her move. Her neck looks so twisted I'm afraid she'll pinch a nerve or something.

MaryLee - Yep, same dog.

Herd - I'll bet all six of them frolicking in the cool morning is a sight to behold. Of course, Natasha doesn't frolic, does she? Not fitting her queenly status.

Miley - We don't have a pool of our own, but the community pool is closing in a couple of weeks.

Barb said...

Lucy can definitely make herself comfortable anywhere! Glad your weather is cooling. Here in the Mts of CO, it's going to freezing most nights.