Located within Pisgah National Forest, Looking Glass Falls is one of the most visited falls in Transylvania County, if not in Western North Carolina (WNC). It is a pleasant falls, and no hiking is required for a good view. One can view the falls from the parking area on the roadside by stepping out of the car and walking a few feet.
Looking Glass Falls is a cascade that falls over a sloping 60-foot wall of granite, polished by the continuously falling water.
Looking Glass Falls is a cascade that falls over a sloping 60-foot wall of granite, polished by the continuously falling water.

The wall of granite continues beyond the falls and is believed to be the largest single granite rock in the southern Appalachian Mountains.
The following picture was taken from my car and demonstrates the closeness of the waterfall to the highway. The waterfall’s spray is 30 feet wide at the top. Note the continuing granite far beyond the falls.
A series of steps leads to the bottom of the falls.
The name Looking Glass Falls comes not from the falls itself, but from nearby Looking Glass Rock. Looking Glass Rock is so named because the water freezes on the rock faces during the winter and glistens in the sunlight like a looking glass.
You will be pleased to know that one of the hiking trails down Looking Glass Rock is closed due to peregrine falcon nesting. Hikers must return the same route they took up.
The NC mountains are so beautiful! And the falls photos are lovely - makes me feel cool and refreshed.
It looks like a lovely place to be! Nice photos!!
Woo Hoo! Peregrines!
Nice falls. And accessible. That's a definitely plus.
Birdlady - you could get some marvelous bird photos here as well.
Shellmo - thanks for visiting. It is a lovely place to be.
Susan - My husband does volunteer trail work for Pisgah National Forest. He was thrilled to see the Peregrines watching them closely when they were on the trail.
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