Monday, March 12, 2012

They are on the Move

The Ruby-throated Hummingbird migration has begun.  These little jewels have been sighted in eastern Texas, southern Louisiana, Mississippi, and have crossed the Florida border into southern Alabama and Georgia.

The 2012 map for sighting and reporting is up.  Go here to see the map.  You can track the hummingbird migration so you will know when to put out your feeders.  You might even be lucky enough to sight and report the first one in your area.

I must admit the map always concerns me as the hummingbirds approach our area.  Perhaps because we are so near the Southern Blue Ridge Escarpment, the hummingbirds are seen to our west, east, and north before we finally get them.  So I often have to change the nectar a couple of times before we get any hummingbirds.  But one little bird makes us forget all about that.  Hurrah for spring!


Cheryl said...

I feel excited and I know I will never see one here :(

It must be lovely to get the first sighting ........

Ms. A said...

I can't remember the last one I've seen in my neighborhood, although my MIL puts out feeders and does get hummingbirds!

Golden Daily Scoop said...

We love humming birds, mom can never get her camera fast enough! Bol!

George said...

It will probably be a while before we see any hummingbirds here, but we'll be ready.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

I was looking through my pictures from last year and had a picture of a hummer on Apr. 2. Will be getting my feeders out in the next day or so.
Was just chatting with neighbors about this site (tracking the migration) yesterday. Love it.

Anonymous said...

We have Anna hummingbirds that actually over-winter here. Seems crazy at this elevation (2600 ft), but they do it. Lately, though, I've noticed that I'm going through more hummingbird nectar, and saw my first little Rufous stop by. The western migration has begun as well!

Arkansas Patti said...

I have a regular army of them that hit my feeders. They go through sugar so fast, I am suprised I have not been investigated for making moonshine.
I usually see a lone scout first that lets me know they are coming. Can't wait.

Taradharma said...

I have witnessed the great numbers of hummers at Robin and Roger's house. They are so good about feeding those little suckers (or lickers?) I love to watch them, and to hear them buzz by my head at lightning quick speeds.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I love this!!! I usually have a little visitor before I get the feeder up.

Isn't it funny how they come right were the feeder was.

Last year I fed ten pounds of sugar a week. I love the little critters!!!

God bless and have yourself a sunshiny kinda day sweetie!!! :o)

Megan Adamson said...

We never get any little birds like that in England, although I do have a few nest up and have wreaths of bird food hung up on my trees. It makes me both sad and jealous, but hearing the chicks is wonderful!

Following from Ms A. :)

Andrea said...

I haven't seen a hummingbird, i am sure the experience of having them is wonderful. We have migratory birds here too, but they are mostly the swamp birds.

Karin said...

Oh, how I wish I could experience that migration! I get excited just reading about it!!! Thanks for sharing! Wonder where the ones come from that end up in the Rockies!!

troutbirder said...

Thanks for the update, Carolyn. I'm waiting anxiously...

KGMom said...

You are dedicated--changing nectar several times in anticipation.
I love the fact that such wee birds can be mapped as they begin their migration.

Tipper said...

Nice to know they're on the way : ) My girls call them redneck hummingbirds : )

Gina Gao said...

I love humming birds. Really like your blog by the way.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I didn't know there was a map for this!!!!!?????
I saw my very first hummingbird (in Florida) a few months ago. I was so excited, you would have thought it was a unicorn! I love them so much.

Rudee said...

I love all of these signs of spring. It brings me hope!

Vicki Lane said...

I put out my feeders yesterday on the chance that the warmer weather might bring them here early.