Monday, March 5, 2012

They Seldom Get It Right

They said it would be a very cold and snowy winter here in the NC mountains.  They were so wrong.  This has been one of the mildest winters on record.  At this point we have not had any significant more than a dusting.

Here is what February and early March looked like in 2010 and in 2011:

March 2, 2010 brought our first Towhee.  And he was surrounded by snow.

The following week, another big snowstorm.

The little goldfinch in snow over its head.  Thank goodness the bird sits atop the snow.

And don't forget the ice storms.

A very cold perch.

This year's winter has been a record-breaking winter for snowfall.  Actually, for a lack of snow.  We have had less snow than any other winter.  In some areas the apple trees are about to blossom.  If we don't get some more seasonal weather they will flower and a freeze could do extensive damage much as it did three years ago.

When we lived in suburban Milwaukee, the meteorologists back-tracked on their inaccurate predictions by saying our proximity to Lake Michigan made forecasting more difficult.  Here in the mountains we hear much the same, except that here the mountains are to blame for the wrong predictions.

I have very much enjoyed the mild winter.  I do wish for the sake of the flowers and fruit trees that the season had been more normal.  But since you can't do anything about the weather, I pushed my guilt aside and thoroughly enjoyed the sunny days and milder temperatures.  The mild winter in no way reduces my anticipation of spring.  Oh!  Spring in the mountains is a lovely awakening.


Taradharma said...

they get it wrong here, too. all winter they have predicted rain: no dice. one of the driest winters on record. oh well.

Rae said...

I think weather predictions were wrong across the whole country. This winter's weather is a prime example global warming and its effects.

LoieJ said...

Just a couple of years ago, I was surprised to find out that the gold finches live here, N MN, in winter too. I don't know if I missed them all these years or what. They are a drab color in winter. We now have lots of what I call Tweety Birds at our feeders, mostly Redpolls, which gobble the seeds much faster than do the chickadees or nuthatches. The Redpolls are numerous and are flying pigs.

My Mind's Eye said...

The hubby and I were talking about this very thing on our morning walk.
We had spring in January here. Then
February was up and down in temps and now March came in like a lamb only to turn cold 26 here to night.
Hugs Madi and Mom

George said...

We've had a very mild winter here as well, but March has come in like a lion. It's still very windy, and we are expecting freezing temperatures tonight.

Arkansas Patti said...

They really didn't get it wrong here. They predicted above average temps and sure enough, that is what we got.
At least you have cool pictures to remind you of what could have been. Spring welcome, I dread summer and hope we don't get those record setting hot days again.

Ms. A said...

There have been lots of people around here with early seasonal allergies, from everything blooming early. It's been a very mild winter, even for us. Sure wish that meant a mild summer, but I can't say I remember one of those. They're always just varying degrees of HOT!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I blame the weatherman for everything. :)
I do hope the spring arrival is NOT interrupted by any big {mean} freezing storms!!!

KGMom said...

I suspect we had best get accustomed to the weather--I think we are experiencing the new normal.
And, I don't think it's going to be nice.

Carolina Linthead said...

I do think the weather will become increasingly unpredictable and volatile in the coming years and decades. It's recent years every time the temps have plummeted and winter weather has been more severe than normal, people always want to tease about global warming, but this is precisely what it looks like. We've had virtually no recorded snowfall in central Ohio this year, and very warm temps. I hope you have a glorious spring! Perhaps in May we will have a chance to spend some time in our beloved southern Appalachians.

Rudee said...

I cannot recall a milder Michigan winter, but I'm not going to complain. I rather enjoyed not having to be on the road during major blizzards.

I don't know if this is the new normal since it's only a snapshot in time. We'll have to wait and see if it's a pattern. It won't bode well for the Great Lakes if it is.

Anonymous said...

Not much of a winter here either, but we did get our first real snow fall of the season just the other day. Then, three days later it was 70+ degrees. It's been crazy. I also feel bad for the trees, and we won't get any rain in the summer. So, if they don't get it now, they don't get it. Weather is becoming truly unpredictable.

Tipper said...

Our winter weather has been so crazy this year-and so warm!

NCmountainwoman said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone.

PS - We don't have redpolls but I love them.

Patti - Summer is our least favorite season. It's not so terribly hot here in most summers, but we are flooded with tourists, bikers, and campers. Too many people so we hang around our little community.

Ruth said...

Our temps are far above normal this month and it is a real risk for fruit trees as we can have frost well into May. We had more ice storms than snow storms...I prefer snow.