Monday, March 19, 2012

And Around the Front Yard

Plants are blooming all over the front yard.  Some are much earlier than usual due to the amazingly mild weather we have had.

The camellias often drop their buds but this year the blooming has been spectacular.  We are in a marginal zone for them but occasionally we get lucky.

One of the old fogeys with a stogie looks up at Lenten Roses.

This camellia has never bloomed before and gave us quite a surprise.
This bloom is on the lower part of the plant.

And this bloom is from the same plant.  About half the blossoms are pink and the others almost white.

Another old fogey, this one without a stogie.

We do have a lot of the old fogeys underneath the plants.

No southern yard is complete without at least one garden gnome.
At least this one brought his wheelbarrow and works.  BTW:  Did you know that these gnomes all have names and descriptions and many people collect them?  This one came with a family history!

St. Francis watches over all.  The vines that surround him will soon open to beautiful yellow blossoms.

I'll be taking a blogging break for a week or so.  We are finally able to get a DSL line so we will change from our wireless (inconsistent) provider to the DSL provider.  Definitely a change for the better because our location gives us a marginal wireless reception.  But still a pain as we make all the changes in email addresses, etc.  Have a wonderful week and a weekend filled with basketball as the teams head for the "Sweet Sixteen."


Golden Daily Scoop said...

What beautiful pics! Can't wait for Spring to start showing up in our yard!!

Rudee said...

I love the garden residents. They're so cute.

You'll be so happy with your new speed. I hope you have a smooth upgrade.

The Bug said...

Ooh I want some old fogey's too! We do have a toad house, but a fogey or two would really add panache to our yard :)

Good luck with your techno stuff - hopefully it's painless!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Beautiful camellias!!

George said...

It looks as if your yard is as far ahead of 'normal' as ours is. I could use a hard-working gnome in our yard.
Enjoy your blog break and good luck with the DSL.

Ms. A said...

I'll bet the mountains are looking beyond lovely! Wish I was there.

troutbirder said...

Good luck with the changes. I should do the same thing but being such a hare core conservative I fear change.... (just kidding) :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I really love all your old fogeys and a working garden gnome? Send him my way!! Love the gnomes and I assumed they had a rich family history. :)
Best of luck with your switch-over, hopefully it will be painless!

Ginnie said...

The "old fogeys" are a cute change from the lovely flowers! Thanks for your comment about Elton John. I was saddened to hear that he'd been booed but not surprised when I read who did the booing! (Do you think there will ever be an acceptance of people's differences if that sort of stuff prevails?)

Arkansas Patti said...

Great time to take a break. Did not know that about gnomes.
Sure hope your DSL is a good one. I have it here and it is just a smidgen better than dial up and often doesn't work at all.
Happy first day of spring. Hurry back.

KGMom said...

WOW--what lovely camellias. Just beautiful.

Ruth said...

Beautiful flowers. I imagine your risk of frost is low now.

Barb said...

Those blooms are delicate - you're lucky to have such varied colors. I hope the weather cooperates for you. Have a good blog break.

Tipper said...

Love all the photos-things are blooming like crazy around here too.

I have the exact same St.Francis at my back door : )

Anonymous said...

Yes! Spring, spring, spring. I am so ready!

KB said...

I love your garden gnomes! But, most of all I love your flowers. Wow, spring is in the air!

DSL would be a dream for us. I am so happy for you!

Last, but not least, I will be cheering for UNC... I am not one of those malicious Duke fans. Duke's opening loss was just plain sad.

Carolina Linthead said...

Your yard is so beautiful and always makes me smile! Speaking of, your comment on my poem really made me smile...there most certainly is nothing to forgive...I LOVED your skeptical interpretation :-)

animal lover, quilt lover said...

We have had a very unusual year so far!!! But our flowers have been beautiful and or herbs and strawberries exceptionally good!!! I wish I could share some of my herbs and berries with you, cause I would be happy to!!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Zoie drips on the floor!!!!

Vicki Lane said...

Oh, I love those camellias! I've been tempted to try...

Carol Murdock said...

Carolyn, I can't believe you have Camilias!I tried to grow them in Tennessee and failed.

Berts Blog said...

I love the flower pictures and especially thing the fogeys are great. My Vickie says she has never seen such cute ones.

Hurry back......we will miss your Fridays are Golden.....

Folkways Note Book said...

What a wonderful way to greet spring -- with your camellias. They certainly are beautiful! Like your gnome -- its history would make an interesting post. -- barbara