The entire episode seems surreal now. After six days in an ICU bed attached to IVs, automatic blood pressure monitoring, cardiac monitoring, pulse oximetry monitoring, automatic alternating pressure leggings, etc., I have never felt such comfort as when I slip into my own bed at night. Life is indeed good!
A couple of days before the "incident" I went down to check on the sparrows. They were still incubating at the time and not at all happy to see me.
Oh rats! Here she is again.
Go away lady!
Hmm guess I told her.

I can't believe she is still here.

All right. I'll give you one good pose and then you're out of here.
I can't believe she is still here.
All right. I'll give you one good pose and then you're out of here.
I really missed our birds while I was in the hospital. We have more fledglings than I recall in a long time. Little titmice, goldfinches, chickadees, and nuthatches are fluttering all over trying to figure out the feeders. Yesterday I saw a towhee feeding his fledgling. What a treat.
Oh my goodness! I've been off-line for most of the past week, and was just trying to catch up a little! Yikes! I guess I missed a bit! I'm glad you are feeling better and getting back to normal - that must have been very scary for you and your family!
I am so happy that you're bouncing back rapidly. There's nothing like an incident like yours to help someone appreciate the simple things in life. I'm glad that you're back with your family and your birds!
Looks like the birds are nature's Get Well card. Glad you're able to get outside to enjoy them again.
So glad you're on the mend. Okay, I realize this is the hypochondriac (?) giving the nurse advice, but for goodness' sakes, don't ignore your symptoms from now on! (Yeah, I know you said you didn't have any, but...!)
Thanks for letting us know how you are. Whew--that was a scare.
Oh my--I love love love the birdied shots. So expressive. And your captions are perfect.
I'm so glad you're better. You'll probably feel better and better over the next few weeks. Do you have to swear off everything forever, or just while you're healing? Nothing is better than fresh veggies in the summer!
Your bird photos are wonderful.
Your captions are perfect Carolyn.
Soooo glad you're well and feeling better.
So glad that you are feeling will you cope without your morning coffee?? I remember reading mornings are difficult for you!!!!
I love the bird shots and your commentary always has me smiling.....such fun....but please don't use the rat word!!!!!lol
Lovely to see you back....stay well......
I'm glad that you are on the mend, Carolyn. I hope you will be well enough soon to get back to your regular diet. Yes, to the comforts of home and one's own bed. A great contribution to healing.
Nice to see your little swallow mama on her nest. She's a beauty.
Love the swallows, Carolyn... I think he was 'cussing' at you in that one picture!!!!! ha ha
Take care of yourself and don't try to do too much.
Good news all the way around! Whew!
We are like Dog_geek--away for a little bit, and look what happens! So glad you're doing better! Take the time to heal properly--don't want to mess things up for the future!
You got good pictures of the swallow. It will be interesting to see if the little ones have hatched. We have quite a few fledglings around here now. Please take it easy for a while.
Nothing like a little time with nature to heal the upset of life! Glad you are back home and doing well.
Keep us posted on those little swallows..even tho Mom was having her say!!
Fun series of pictures and captions.
Hmmm...looks like she wasn't really listening to you. Oh well, better for us, I suppose. We get to see the photos!
Hi Carolyn,
So glad you're on the mend. The bird pictures are so cute - esp with your captions! Take Care of yourself.
so glad you are better! very happy you are back home with the
So glad to hear you are regaining some strength Carolyn. :c) Love seeing the swallows, as mine have now left, probably to start a second nest, wherever that might be. Who knows though... maybe they'll bring the second brood back to my porch as well.
Glad you are feeling better, what a scare that must have been for everyone!!! What beautiful swallows, they sure are funny!!!
Thx for sharing!
Great shots, Carolyn. As I scrolled through them each one got better. I just love it when that happens.
I am glad you are feeling well, don't push the endurance too fast. Take your time to get up to par.
...such sweet, sweet little fledglings, and I'm sure your birds are all the sweeter now that you're back home. Thank goodness the doctors were there to help you. I'm glad you're home and on the mend. Life is good...
I love that photo of her squawking back at you - so cute! Please take good care of yourself - rest up!
Carolyn, so happy you are improving greatly!
Haha, I like the picture of the bird yelling at you.
As a person with a Grandmother who literally lives for vegetables, I understand how hard that must be. Hope you can eat them again soon!
I missed that you'd been sick... glad to hear you're ok, but bummer on the veggies!
Your baby swallows are adorable.
Carolyn -- So glad to hear that you're recovering from such a scary time. You must feel so blessed to have good medical faciities nearby and family and friends to help you through. Please take care of yourself -- we're all wishing you full and speedy healing.
Carolyn -- So glad to hear that you're recovering from such a scary time. You must feel so blessed to have good medical faciities nearby and family and friends to help you through. Please take care of yourself -- we're all wishing you full and speedy healing.
Glad you are feeling better. Yes, our own beds are definitely a blessings.
Loved the photos of the birds. We have more babies around here than usual as well. I'm hoping this means our bird population is on the increase.
Oh my goodness, what an ordeal ~ I'm so glad you're feeling better (I'm not so sure I could give up coffee :))
The sparrow photos are wonderful, and I know you're happy to see all the birds again.
We have swallows, too - the 4 babies are about a week old and looking more active every day.
I'm glad so many birds are around for you to watch as you recuperate.
Thanks for your good wishes. I truly am almost back to normal and feeling really good. It was indeed a scary episode for all of us and I am grateful not only for being alive but for being well.
Hee hee...great captions!
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