Mom, if you're going to make me sit here, I need some sunglasses.
The both love to lie under my husband's desk while he is working.
Lucy often stretches out with a toy in her paw.
She curls up into a little ball, taking less than half of the bed.

Ellie stretches out to fill the bed, her head using the bolster as a pillow.
Lucy stretches out as well with her tennis ball close at hand.

The beds are side by side and the two dogs often look like bookends lying there.

Ellie hangs her head over the bed, flattening it out.

Hard to believe, but it's mid-July already. I am almost back to normal (whatever that is) with more endurance and better labs each week. I have astounded the medical community with my rapid recovery and I awaken every morning with thanksgiving in my heart.
Lucy stretches out as well with her tennis ball close at hand.
The beds are side by side and the two dogs often look like bookends lying there.
Ellie hangs her head over the bed, flattening it out.
Hard to believe, but it's mid-July already. I am almost back to normal (whatever that is) with more endurance and better labs each week. I have astounded the medical community with my rapid recovery and I awaken every morning with thanksgiving in my heart.
Enjoy this weekend. Spend time with loved ones and do something special for them. Send a card to an old friend. Do something nice for yourself. For this weekend, live and love in the moment. Have a great one.
Loved my Friday visit the the Golden Girls!
The girls are beautiful as usual.
Their napping makes me want to take a nap. But I cannot, too much to do.
Glad to hear you are feeling better, Carolyn! Your dogs look great, too...our oldest son would love, LOVE to pet and play with them. They look like they'd be really good with kids his age. :-)
Nice pictures of the Golden Girls. One of my favorite things to do is to watch my girls taking naps.
Glad to hear that you are almost back to normal. Take care!
I am so pleased to hear that your recovery has been swift. A positive attitude,I am sure, is a great aid to getting better.
The old girls as always bring a smile to my face. I am turning into a goldy neighbour has three.....
I wish that I could sleep just anywere and look so comfortable!!!
Gentle souls they are. And their mistress too.
Ah, napping dogs... so peaceful. Very different from my house these days!
The girls look very relaxed and quite content. A great way to start the weekend. Glad your recovery is going well.
The girls are so sweet. It's amazing how alike and yet how different they are.
I'm so pleased you're feeling better and recovering well. Before you know it, this event will be a distant memory.
I love it that the dogs lie under the desk--that's what my dog does, especially for security (e.g. during a thunderstorm).
Tee hee--my word verification: mutbrut
I love golden Fridays! I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling good and your lab tests back it up. That's wonderful news.
Glad you are recovering so rapidly, Caroline! The girls look like the lazy days of summer are upon them.
Oh what wonderful lives those two goldens have, Carolyn. They don't have a care or worry in the world, do they???? WOW---wish I were one of your goldens!!!!! I'd take lots of naps also.
Have a great weekend.
so glad you are doing well!!! and of course the dogs are beautiful....always look forward to fridays are golden....
Ah - Golden Fridays - so much fun to see. Love their sleeping positions.
Have a great weekend
Dogs are fun to watch nap. Mingus goes through all kinds of contortions during the course of his naps.
I'm sure the golden girls have helped with your quick recovery! Glad you are feeling so much stronger.
Awe Sweetness!....Dogs and cats sure do sleep allot.. My cat sleeps all curled up..
Thanks for the wonderful reminder at the end..
So glad you are on the mend!
I read your comment on Carol's blog about NC writers. Have you read The Ladies of Covington series? Read them in order. Oh...and Lee Smith! Her book, Fair & Tender Ladies is one of my all-time favorites. Gail Godwin? How 'bout mystery writer Margaret Maron? (Gotta keep you from doing too much, too soon.)
Read A Girl Named Zippy (or maybe it's Called Zippy--I forget!) as long as you don't have stitches because you'd surely split them. The author--Haven Kimmel--is from Indiana but lives in NC now, I think.
Take care!
I'm so glad to see that the girls are enjoying their summer. and doubly glad to see that you are doing well!
Love your pictures of your girls. I used to have three little Pomeranians. They all had their special way of sleeping too. I miss them so. The pictures of your girls reminded me of them. Wonderful memories.
Sure do love those girls! I'm glad you are getting better every day. With your sunny disposition and gratitude for each day, I'm not surprised :)
Good to see the girls are all doing fine..wish I could snooze like that..hanging out of my
Wonderful pictures, as usual, and I also can't believe it is July...but oh the temps have been so different for us..such low humidity. ahhh nice!
You remind me of how fast the summer is going. I love your beautiful dogs.
I'm so glad you're recovering rapidly. The golden girls do look like bookends.
When i die, I just wanna be one of your dogs.
Glad to hear of your improving health and glad to see the girls relaxing nicely through all of this heat we're having. As shy as Marge is, she likes having company over, too.. because it usually means more food!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Just catching up on your recent posts. Sorry to hear about your sudden illness, but am glad you are on the mend. Life is precious, as are your girls!
Such wonderful pictures of your babies...mine also love when we have someone came to visit ONLY them!!!
glad you are feeling well.
Love your notes at the are so thoughtful.
I especially love that first photo of your golden girl smiling! I'm looking at those large dog beds and realizing I'll need one soon for Scout! Yikes!!
Thanks everyone for commenting. Our girls do indeed know how to nap.
Thanks also for your good wishes for my health. My recovery has really amazed the medical community.
Thanks, Cheryl - I do believe a good attitude helps in almost every situation.
Robin - Thanks. I can't believe how well I'm doing.
Rudee - It already seems distant. Impossible to believe I was in such bad shape and feel so good now.
KB - My labs are so good the doctor wrote "unbelievable" across the record.
Cicero - I do think the dogs helped in my recovery.
MaryLee - Thanks for the suggestions. I have done quite a bit of reading and always appreciate new authors.
Sleeping Goldens are the cutest...think I'll go take a nap with mine:)
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