Chance, her father, achieved his AKC Championship points by age two. He also has his Canadian championship. Chance is described as fun-loving and happy-go-lucky, always making you smile. Lucy is much the same and is the first dog we have owned with a real sense of humor.
Lucy's mother Annie has her companionship points and is a compassionate Golden attuned to the needs and moods of others. Lucy is indeed compassionate so long as it doesn't interfere with what she wants. After all, she is the princess.

This is little Lucy at three months. What a cutey.

Here she plays with Ellie when she was about 4 months old. They are rarely ever apart from one another.

A sleeping 5-month old Lucy.

She is still the best sleeper I've ever seen.

And here she is doing her favorite thing...running on the trails. She never paces herself and will run until she is exhausted and we make her rest. Full of fun and energy Lucy is the perfect dog for our lifestyle.

Fridays, and all other days have become more golden to me since my medical emergency. We have no idea what awaits us, so we must take advantage of every opportunity to help ourselves and others and enjoy life to the fullest.
Have a wonderful weekend, filled with love and fun. Give your friends and family an extra hug. Do something special for yourself and do something special for someone else. You never know what is in store for you next week.
I hope you are feeling good today!! Seeing these photos of your precious pup would brighten anyone's mood and be very healing! Loved seeing her puppy photos! I keep looking at Scout - (I think she's about 10 pounds right now) and trying to picture her at 70-90 pounds!
I've got to show my boyfriend this post - he is a HUGE sucker for Goldens, especially the pups. Lucy was and still is adorable.
Hope you are doing well. Have a great weekend!
Happy Woofday to you Lucy! You are such a beautiful girl!
Hope you have a great weekend too!
I hope you enjoy your weekend too Carolyn. It sounds like you recovery is going well.
I've always loved golden puppies, so it's a real treat to see Lucy when she was very young. What a sweetheart of a puppy.
I take your advice to heart, carolyn.
She really is a princess. Happy Birthday Lucy!
This was my very favorite of all your golden posts and you've had some terrific ones.
What a sweetie! She was a model from the very begining, wasn't she!
Goodness, is it Friday again already? Happy Birthday, Lucy! My friend's golden actually just had 9 puppies on the 4th!
That Lucy is a Birthday Princess for sure! I can't wait till
"the fat boys " start getting around and provide us with some delightful moments!
Lucy has the most beautiful smile!
I love the photos of your dog. She is a bautiful animal. I know what you mean about never knowing what lies ahead. I just attended the funeral of a friend today.
Please visit my blog and view the photo of my black lab, Pepper, who walks with me each morning in the western North Carolina mountains at: http://blueridgepoet.blogspot.com
What a beautiful post......so heart felt.....
It is only when we are taken ill that we truly realise how precious life is......every day is a bonus and there to enjoy with those we love.....
I do hope that you are recovering well.....
Such a sweet girl is Lucy.....and an adorable pup......they are a delight, I feel like they are part of my family now.....I know them so well.......your posts bring them into my home.......
Have a wonderful weekend......
When in the light of a window, all pets are "the best sleeper."
I've been thinking of you, hoping that your strength is returning. I was remembering my recovery from my last huge surgery - a 6 month process during which I was confined to home for 4 months. It was physically and therefore emotionally a roller coaster. Be sure to expect that valleys will follow the peaks. If you expect a roller-coaster recovery, it'll make it easier to handle.
Your Lucy is gorgeous. I love your totally honest descriptions of her character. They make me chuckle...
Your last message is something that we all need to keep in mind but is so easy to forget sometimes. I hope that *you* have a healing and happy weekend!
Aw, I am sitting here with that big ole goofy grin I get whenever I see your golden girls. Happy Birthday Lucy!
Gosh I hope you are feeling better these days. Lucy seems to have a smile on her face, hoping that reflects your being home and up and around!!
Great bio on Lucy...such a lucky dog to have you as her owner!!
Loved seeing Lucy's pup pictures and her Mom and Pop.
Yes we need to appreciate what we have every moment we have it.
Happy belated birthday, Lucy. We sure love our Golden Fridays!! And you are - and were - a cutie.
so true....as you know i have a dichi (tahoe) she has more energy than the whole pack put together....i sometimes have to tell her to settle....
hope you're feeling well!
Great post. But you know I love those Golden Retrievers.
Lucy is a cutie.
And I know just what you mean about not knowing the future. I try to keep it in mind, during my business.
Thank you for reminding me!
Happy belated barkday!!!!! Thx for sharing all those pics, bol!!!
Lucy is so adorable! You are so fortunatite to have such wonderful pup's! Hope you are feeling better, and getting around more. have a great weekend.
Happy, happy birthday beautiful Lucy! Pictures of your sleeping are so sweet. We hope your Mom feels better and better.
Your goldens are beautiful and loving. Hope you're feeling better every day and soon strong enough to go for a long walk with the golden girls.
What adorable pics of a true princess! Thank you for sharing them. So glad you're continuing to recover after such a scary time. Where would we be without our family and friends to help us through?
Wow! She is beautiful! And she loves to pose too! Belated greetings Lucy!
Happy belated Birthday to Lucy! What a sweetie! I just came over from Cheryl's at My Wildlife Sanctuary; I think I may have visited a few months ago when I first got my Golden puppy, Sophie, now 7 months old. We've had a few trying times going through this puppy stage, but I wouldn't give her up for the world! I'm sorry to hear about your recent episode in the hospital; glad you are feeling much better. I'm sure you appreciate being home with Lucy and Ellie even more now.
Carolyn: That is neat that your dogs have a wonderful linage.
Beautiful dogs. You are so right about not knowing what tomorrow will bring.
Awe..what great memories and pics.
I am so happy that you are feeling better...but you are right..we dont know what is around the corner..go out and do things now!
Lucy certainly looks the part of a princess, but I'm glad she has a nice sense of humor.
BTW the word verification for this comment is 'noble' -- how appropriate for Lucy.
Hope you're feeling stronger. I just came by for my Golden binge - thank you Ellie and Lucy!
Hi There, We're home after a wonderful weekend in the gorgeous North Carolina mountains. I'll post in the morning.
Well Carolyn, both of your Goldens are WINNERS--in every respect.
We got close to you this weekend--since we took the kids to Sliding Rock and to Pink Beds for a picnic.
Hope you had a great weekend and are still feeling well..
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