It's always a bit surprising to see unexpected birds at our feeders. Somehow a Pileated Woodpecker
perching precariously on a seed tray seems strange indeed. Typically the unexpected birds are fledglings, but in this case they seem to be adults. Perhaps they simply want to try something different.
We see Downy Woodpeckers daily at our suet and in our trees. It is a bit unusual to see one eating the sunflower hearts but this one seems to be enjoying the treat.

And this Blue Jay seems to enjoy the seeds as well.

One of our favorite birding activities is to watch the various fledglings try the different feeders trying to figure out which one is meant for them. Their antics in trying to get the food is often quite amusing. They look so puzzled as if to ask, "How does this thing work?"
Carolyn, your bird pictures are always awesome!
Great Photo's-I was thinking maybe mr.woodpecker thought the holes in the feeder where holes in trees, and to his surprise got a tasty treat! :D
I love how different your Blue Jays look from the Stellar's Jays we have out west. Oh how I wish all birds visited my backyard. Have you ever hung a suet feeder for the woodpeckers? When we hung suet, the Downy's came and feasted.
Funny you should talk about the Pileated coming to your suet feeder again today, Carolyn. BECAUSE ---yesterday, a BIG Pileated came to the feeder right next to our computer room window. Shocked me --and of course, I did not get a picture. He was a BIG one though...
I too love to see the little fledglings --when they come to the feeders. It's a fun time to watch all of the birds.
The Blue Jay is lovely......I do love blue birds....
Your downy woodpecker is very similar to our greater spotted....... it is fun to watch the juveniles, they make me smile......
That blue jay is postively gorgeous!
I always enjoy your bird pictures. Your Jays are marked so differently than ours here in the Mts of CO.
Nice post, it is fun to see them check out the different feeders.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
I agree - watching the fledglings learn about the feeders is hilarious! Landing on a feeder seems to be a big hurdle. They do many 'flybys', fluttering and stalling next to the feeder, but then saving themselves by zooming to a tree. It's a big event when they actually manage to land on a feeder. Imagine their disappointment if they don't like the particular seeds in that feeder!
I love your photos!
How cute! I sometimes see the new finch fledglings try to eat out of the peanut feeder, and it's pretty funny!
Nice pictures. I have been seeing a bird with white chest and black back, split tail.Looks like a large swallow. Any ideas?
Oh how I would love for a pileated to come to my lucky girl!!
Your feeder seems to be quite the hit with all your birds..Its so nice when they stay gives one time to really enjoy their company!!
You have captured some good shots here....I have the same birds and they love my feeders...especially when they are FULL of seeds.
Great pics! I have been having a blast looking at the fledglings here at my parents house in CT. always gauky..not quite sure of what they are doing!
Very nice those little ones. What I like about having the feeder right outside the window is that I can get some decent shots with my little point and shoot.
Hi Carolyn, I am visiting thru Betsy at Joyful Reflections blog. Your bird pictures are so clear. The detail on the blue jay is so pretty. We currently have a lot of hummingbirds coming to our feeders outside the kitchen window. They are a lot of fun to watch.
...our Downys eat sunflower hearts too. I thought it strange when i saw them doing it this winter. Your Blue Jay photos are gorgeous. I would love to have a Pileated in my backyard at all. If he came to my feeder I'd probably pass out! :-)
More great photos! I love watching the birds too.
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