Jayne has been lamenting the lack of Goldfinches at her house this summer. Well Jayne, I think they have decided to hang around our house. We have seen many more goldfinches than usual with dozens of fledglings hopping about learning to feed themselves at our feeders.
The goldfinches are hanging around the sunflower hearts with one another.

They are hanging out around the sunflower with the cardinals.
They are hanging out with the chickadees.

They are hanging out in the trees awaiting a turn at the feeders.

Boys as well as girls.

They are hanging out around the birdbath on the deck.

They are hanging out with the towhees.

They are hanging out with the nuthatches.

Isn't it amazing how the birds are so prolific in one area and relatively uncommon in another area nearby? Or very common one year and not the next? None of our neighbors are seeing as many goldfinches as we are. For whatever reason, we are delighted to see these lovely yellow birds.
beautiful pics! have a great week!
Apparently, you have mine too Carolyn. I put out a feeder of Thistle seed in the Spring and never saw the first one!
Nice pictures! We have a lot of goldfinches, too!
I have a few of them. They are now enjoying the sunflowers! I hope they save some for winter.
They are lovely! I've seen LOTS of them around here too.
Glad you are doing better!!!
I don't know what is wrong but we have a regular dearth of birds at our feeders this year. I've tasted the seed and it is good. It is not like there aren't birds around for I can see and hear them flitting about in nearby trees. Other years we had lots. We do feel a hawk has nested near by but I don't think that would do it all together ... it's not as if it was in our yard.
Looks like my backyard also, Carolyn. We have lots and lots of Goldfinches this summer also. BUT--still no hummingbirds much... Do you have them?
They are so bright and colourful....they look almost tropical...
I have had many more hedge sparrows this year. They are in decline in UK so I am more than happy to have them here.
Have a good week......
Wow Carolyn! They ARE all there with you! Funny thing is that two winters ago, we had a flock of probably 100 or more, and yet, this past winter, it was Pine Siskins instead of Goldfinches. I see one only occasionally these days, so I am glad to see that you are benefiting from their northeast travels!
They're so pretty. I only have cardinals and blue jays to lend a little color up in the trees.
Mmmm. I've had unusually few hanging aroud this summer. At least now I know where they all went!
A nice present for a fellow blogger.
We're seeing more goldfinches than usual this year as well. Maybe they have decided this is the year for a summer in the mountains.
don't think I have as many as last year, but we are still seeing them. Nice photos.
Carolyn: Those are neat photos at the feeder, nicely captured.
We have some at the thistle feeder, but YOU have the motherlode!
Pretty, pretty, pretty!
Hee hee..you stole Jaynes goldfinches ..i hear she wants them back..
well knowing jayne I think she really would love to share them!
Great photos of the finchs hanging out with everyone!
Beautiful photos. We only rarely get goldfinches.
Our neighbors, who live about a half mile away, live in a meadow while we live in a pine forest. The array of birds that we each see is completely different. They have bluebirds, wrens, and swallows while we have nuthatches, woodpeckers, and pine siskins. It is amazing how specific the habitat of each kind of bird is.
We, also, have many golden finches..they are such a delight to watch and enjoy!! You really captured them well and with so many other species!! You look like you have very busy summer feeders..and ouch that Thistle food is $$$!!
Hey, our goldfinch numbers are down, too! You've got to quit stealing everyone's goldfinches, Carolyn! And that cute little nuthatch can come live in our yard, too. Trade you a pair of house wrens for him?
Occasionally I see a goldfinch around here. But I really don't have a haven for them to bum around in.
My in-laws....now that's another story. They have all kinds of birds. And they are learning to identify them.
I really love those photos of the goldfinches. They are such beautiful birds. Your blog is great. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and leaving comments. Have a great week! I saw a goldfinch this morning at my zinnias. I love those birds!
You must have ours too...I haven't seen many lately, and people keep coming into the store wanting to know "where are the little yellow birds?"
Nice bird captures. we have had to take in our feeders due to bears! I miss our birds.
So many Goldfinches, and they seem to love companionship! Your photos are wonderful.
My goodness you have a big variety of birds around your bird feeder. Beautiful.
goldfinches are saying, "We are EVERYWHERE!"
beautiful birds and pictures.
These are terrific! I have a few visitors of the feathered kind to my garden. Not many goldfinches though! You are lucky! I have a few Jays which are unusual in my area.. I sometimes see the woodpecker... doesn't like to be photographed though! My fave has to be the woodpigeon, very common but they just make me smile the way they amble over the lawn!
Thanks again for the great pics!
Oh my goodness, Carolyn -- such lovely, lovely photos. I have a friend who's a backyard bird-watcher and between the two of you I have learned to become much more observant and appreciative. Thank you!
What a beautiful treasure trove of Goldfinches you have! If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, I wonder what all those birds at the feeder are worth?
Wonderful pictures of the birds! What kind of camera do you have? Do you use a telephoto? You'll have to check my baby bluebird photos on my blog. No telephoto though. Same with the butterfly pictures. After seeing your gorgeous pictures, I may have to get a telephoto lens.
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