Friday, July 31, 2009

Fridays are Golden

We recently bought some rocks. Yes, one can purchase rocks or boulders. We love rocks and didn't think we had enough of them. They were delivered and placed this week. Lucy saw the equipment first thing and both dogs stayed glued to the window most of the morning.

When the workers were gone, the Golden Girls investigated the rocks. (Since they are girls they did not feel obliged to christen each one.) Ellie found one to her liking and climbed up on top of it.

This is her "Rin-tin-tin" pose.

Lucy preferred one of the smaller ones. She thought it was a perfect fit.

Just look at that smile!

After checking out all the boulders and sitting on most of them the girls came inside to rest. Ellie did a little bird watching, but Lucy flaked out.

What? That's why she's here, isn't it? To be my soft pillow?

Can you believe it's the end of yet another summer month! (I feel entitled to another month of July but that is not to be.) My "episode" is like a distant memory except for the heart full of joy and appreciation each evening for every wonderful (and not so wonderful) day. We are all well and happy. We had over an inch of much-needed rain this week. And we have two marvelous and healthy dogs to cuddle and love. How much better can life get?


Rae said...

As always the girls are beautiful. It is so funny how they adopted those rocks as their perch. They are a wonderful pair. Hope you have a terrific weekend as well

The Bug said...

I love how pleased they look on the rocks - "I'm Queen of the World!!!"

Thistlebrooms said...

I just adore the pillow pose...That's why I believe 'Golden's' are the best!!!Most accommodating souls...

Oh and Yes about buying ROCKS, Guess you can Never have too many...I get them from the woods here and have a continuing Rock Wall I work on...Just Love it...

Thanks for sharing your day Carolyn...

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

I love how Lucy uses Ellie as a pillow all the time. Your girls are so beautiful! Glad they "found" their rocks.

YD and my girls.

Dog_geek said...

Happy Friday! I can't believe we are at the end of July already! I love the new rocks - a freidn of our who has river front property bought a few boulders to put in the river, so that they could hear the water riffles from their house!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your girls are so adorable...just like little kids having to check out the new playground equipment!!!
I like girls because they don't pee on everything...ugghhh..I had to put up all my herbs 'cause of our Ozzie!
Happy Friday to you!

robin andrea said...

They are so cute on their rocks. Really good of you to buy them such big new places to pose on. I'm sure they appreciate it immensely!

Barb said...

Lovely post - I like seeing the girls explore their environment and then nest together to rest. By the way - I have plenty of boulders here in the ROCKY Mountains! Wish I could send you some...

D.K. Wall said...

Well we have plenty of rocks, but finding that size and, more importantly, having someone put them in the right place - different story.

Kiska does want to know what you mean by the girls not being obliged to christen each one of them. She is clear that she can out mark (including height) any boy in the Herd.

Have a great weekend.

KB said...

Your girls obviously love each other so much. That fact must warm your heart.

We *tried* to buy boulders from our neighbors who has more than 100 acres of boulders when we first moved here (we wanted 'local' boulders that looked like the others already on our land). They laughed and laughed, and told us to take as many as we wanted. And, we made new friends in the deal!

I bet that every day is golden around your house!

Sam said...

Those two are attached at the hip, huh?

Marge loves rocks, too. She jumps on all sorts of boulders and rocks we find during our romps at the park. I think she likes to be high up

Ruth said...

Hmmm, my husband wants to buy some rocks too butI am not too sure. The pillow pose is very sweet.

JeanMac said...

I love the girls snuggled up. Beautiful rocks and pictures.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Carolyn, I love your Goldens. That picture of Lucy using Ellie for a pillow.

I had no idea you could buy BIG rocks. We could sell some of ours ---since our yard is ROCK about 6 inches below the grass....ha

Have a great weekend.

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Your golden girls are absolutely beautiful, wow!!! What great pics, thx for sharing!!!

lotsa licks,

Cheryl said...

Another beautiful post.....I am sure Ellie and Lucy could get a part in a film.....

I love have the right setting....they fit in beautifully with your surroundings....

Yes the summer is moving so quickly.......lets enjoy August as much as we can......

KGMom said...

You know, when you said "rocks" I thought rocks. But you really meant ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet you had no idea who you were REALLY buying those rocks for!

Love that sweet picture of the snoozer and the watcher.

1000 Goldens said...

As always, the snuggling photos are my favorite. They are so sweet!! And I really love your big rocks and the girls playing king of the mountain on them :) TN said...

The boulders look nice and so do the dogs!

Dawn Fine said...

Hee hee..did you buy those rocks for the pups?
Looks like they are enjoying your new purchase!
My sister lives in the Sandhills of NC..she has no rocks..and would LOVE to have a few of those beauties.

Anonymous said...

I Love huge boulders and rocks - not a one in our new land but maybe we will unearth some when we build. Glad the girls enjoyed the rocks!

NCmountainwoman said...

Thanks for all the comments.

Barb - We discovered the problem is not in finding the rocks, but in finding someone who will deliver and set them.

Herd - OMG! We totally forgot that some of our girlfriends can hold their own in a p*#&ing contest with the boys.

Ruth - I'm glad we bought ours. Of course, I would have arranged them differently. Too late to move them around.

Carol Murdock said...

Those girls are something else!I love the "pose" !

Ashley said...

Wow! Your dogs are beautiful. I love the photos of them lying together. Great blog and great images!