Friday, July 1, 2016

We Love Lucy

Once again we are in the midst of a drought.  Significant rain is falling very near us.  But every afternoon we get thunder and humidity and not a drop of rain.  We do have some in the forecast so we are hoping it comes to fruition.

Every Friday my husband drives to a neighboring town to Fresh Market for seafood, meat, and fresh baked bread.  And each Friday he has a slice of the bread with his salad lunch.  Lucy loves Fridays.  Because I must cut a small portion off the end of the loaf to slice a piece of bread.  And that small end slice gets cut into small cubes for Lucy.  Our Lucy loves bread as much as Oprah does, but unlike Oprah, Lucy gets bread only once a week and not everyday.  [In case you are confused, Oprah does a Weight Watchers commercial in which she talks about her love of bread.]  Always alert to the sounds that mean good things for her, Lucy waits until she hears me open the bread box.  Then she runs into the kitchen to wait for her bread.  She is all smiles as she waits and her tail is wagging non-stop.

It's time, Mom!  Where's the bread?
Forget about the beef, where's the bread?

In these days of frustrating politics and news, it is such a welcome relief to have such a goofy dog.  She makes me laugh at least once a day with her antics.

Our quote comes from Pope John XXIII, a Pope meant to be a place-holder but who made huge changes in the archaic Catholic dogma.

Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams.
Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential
Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in,
But with what it is still possible for you to do.





Carolina Linthead said...

Goofy dogs are the best!

The Bug said...

I love that goofy face! I like bread okay, but it's Milk Duds that I can't get enough of :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the Oprah reference. That face shows delighted expectation. Yes, we need those lighter moments anymore and since our pets don't watch TV, they are always up beat.

Anonymous said...

Always love seeing Lucy! She and I have something in common. I love bread too. We buy a loaf every week from the local bread-bake shop (Brio Breadworks). They make a delicious sour dough wheat with sunflower seeds. Delicious. And I bake a no-knead bread once a week too. Yummy. Hope you get some rain there.

Tara said...

That face is to die for! Especially with the pink tongue hanging out. They sure do brighten our days, don't they?

Hope you get some rain soon. The fire risk with lightning and no rain is scary. We are a'burnin' in California - very early for our fire season, but that's what years of drought will do.

Love the quote, thank you for that. Enjoy your weekend.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hope you get some rain soon ...

Just love the picture of Lucy - enjoy your weekend

All the best Jan

Barbara Rogers said...

Lucy deserves a good pat, as well as her bread. I loved the quote. And am considering how to welcome the stranger who is in need. We all are.

Ginnie said...

Lucy puts all things into the right perspective ... wouldn't it be nice if we humans could do the same?

KB said...

I love Lucy too! What a wonderful tradition that makes Lucy smile so widely :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is so darn cute. I chuckled at your Oprah reference.....and Lucy is goofy indeed as well as sweet as pie!

Appalachian Lady said...

We just got a golden retriever puppy and she seems goofy but also smart. We named her Daisy and she already knows her name and maybe the word biscuit. And, she quickly knew where the dog treats are kept in the cabinet.