Another lovely late summer week for us. We had lower than normal temperatures early in the week and had to turn on the heat. Reluctantly, but when the house is 64 it's time. This weekend we will no doubt change to air conditioner as we expect much warmer days. Such is the month of September. This is the last week of summer, with Autumn officially making an entrance on Wednesday.
Ellie, our other Golden loved to lie on the deck while I sat reading or watching the birds. Lucy does not generally care much for it. But on these cool days she soaks up the warmth from the deck and enjoys the sunshine. She watches the birds coming and going from the feeders and the water.
Bird-watching Lucy
Every now and then her head raises up to sniff something in the air.
Political rhetoric fills the airwaves with appearances and debates and "news" reporters tell us more than we wanted to hear about the political campaign. If you are a liberal Democrat and lover of sarcasm in little old ladies, I recommend you check out Margaret and Helen's blog (
here). But if you are a Republican, it's not going to be your cup of tea. I'm sure there are such blogs equally appealing to Republicans but I haven't found them.
Tuesday at Sundown our Jewish friends begin the High Holy Day of Yom Kipppur (Day of Atonement).
It is fitting that our quote comes as an excerpt from the forgiveness prayer, Al Khet: (This is one of simplest of its forms although the words may vary and the entire prayer is much longer.)
For the sin that we have committed under stress or through choice;
For the sin that we have committed in stubbornness or in error;
For the sin that we have committed in the evil meditations of the heart;
For the sin that we have committed by word of mouth;
For the sin that we have committed through abuse of power;
For the sin that we have committed by exploitation of neighbors;
For all these sins, O God of forgiveness, bear with us, pardon us, forgive us!
If you do not believe in any higher being, this prayer is still a meaningful one. Repeat it beginning "I'm sorry." Jew, Christian, Muslim or non-believer, we all commit these shortcomings and need to reflect upon them.
Pope Francis is coming to the United States at the end of next week. Catholic or not, religious or not, one must be happy to see the eye-opening humanity, humility, and inclusiveness this Pope is showing. So it is also fitting that we have a quote from him as well:
Human rights are not only violated by terrorism, repression, or assassination, but also by unfair economic structures that create huge inequalities.
Whatever you are doing, enjoy these last days of Summer.