Friday, September 24, 2010

Fridays are Golden

The Golden Girls love to play.  Fortunately we have a large den with heavy furniture where they can be pretty active even indoors.  When they play outside the girls have a posture that indicates a wrestling match is about to begin.  That doesn't seem to happen inside.  One dog always instigates the interaction while the other dog is disinterested.  But in every case, the instigator will persist until the other dog joins in the fracus.

In this instance, it is Lucy who starts the fun.  Sometimes it looks rough, but they never hurt one another and it's all good clean fun.  Lucy always goes for Ellie's ears and they end up wet every time.

Ellie comes right back at Lucy.

The Lucy is on top again, making Ellie look pretty submissive.

Lucy has grabbed their favorite old blue tug that has seen better days.  Ellie decides to take it away.

Lucy is pinned to the floor still hanging on to the blue tug.

Abruptly the play stops.  At the end of it all the two dogs lie down to rest.  We can never predict what prompts this sort of play indoors.  And the dogs know it is not allowed anywhere except the den.

Although the weather here seems to dispute it, this is the first weekend of fall.  Summer seems to have passed by so quickly this year.  I hope you have a wonderful fall weekend.  Find some joy in your life.  For some it will be harder than for others, but there is always joy to be found if you look hard enough.



Toni aka irishlas said...

This reminds me of the two younger dogs here. They only do it in the family room and it will start and stop abruptly. Looks ferocious, but, all in play.

Have a wonderful, albeit hot, weekend!

How Sam Sees It said...

Sam and Monty have yet to play spar yet. They seem to like each other well enough, but neither seems to want to play that much with the other!


Cicero Sings said...

When Kaylee and Mingus play they both look and sound terribly vicious ... but they're not. Funny how they enjoy a good tussle every now and again. Kaylee and Mingus like to do it right under someone's legs (whilst the someone is sitting) ... the best spot they feel.

troutbirder said...

Girls will be girls. :)

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, Loved this post as it reminded me of when we had our two-but sadly lost our Sadie on Christmas and now Reggie is just one old guy. We've always had two dogs and it is so natural for them but we never got any at the same time. Did you get yours together-were they litter mates? When the time comes we will get a golden-poodle mix so that we don't have shedding and I love the temperament. We're retired so boarding two dogs gets expensive but I'd hate for a pup to be lonely.
Have a joyous weekend.

carolina nana said...

Great pictures of Lucy and Ellie's playtime. They are beautiful dogs.
Have a blessed weekend

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

My girls don't play that often with each other. One is usually not interested when the other one is in the mood to play. I do sometimes try to get them going so they will play.

Taradharma said...

we should all be so lucky and joyful! I love to watch pups play and then sleep deeply.

Here at Casa de Rinaldi, the chihuahua Lucy and the pit Tug play fiercely but ultimately, gently. (well, maybe not Lucy so much) And then the slumber full of deep sighs.

We, too, are experience hot very un-fall-like weather. I'll be stacking wood.

Best to you!

Kelly said...

...I laughed when I saw the last photo. They tired themselves sweet!

KB said...

Those girls are a well-matched pair. You caught some great photos of their wonderful play. They're lucky to have each other!

Barb said...

The rules of engagement for Lucy and Ellie are unknown to all but them! Looks like they tucker themselves out! Have a good weekend - the Girls, too.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

It really is fun to watch dogs play and see their interactions with one another. They sometimes seem so easy to understand and other times their lives and language seems to be a secret that only they know.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so envious that YOUR girls know where to cause a ruckus and where to NOT. :)
They are so cute...always so happy and shiny.
Love your words of wisdom. Have a wonderful weekend with your wonderful family.

Jayne said...

Hope you have a glorious weekend too Carolyn!

Rudee said...

They look so exhausted from their play. If my home were bigger, I'd consider a playmate for Leo. We'd be on top of each other though, so he'll have to make due with his pals at camp.

JeanMac said...

They look exhausted - sweet dogs.

Golden Samantha said...

A great adage in that last sentence! Thanks! We often wonder how dogs "decide" to initiate play, but especially wonder how pups "decide" - mutually, it seems, when play ENDS. We're always amazed by the intercommunication between our two - we wish we could understand "dog" better! Love this post!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Appalachian Lady said...

I bet my dog would love a playmate but I hate to pay the extra kennel bill whne we go on vacation! She has to play with us instead.

1000 Goldens said...

You are so lucky to have each other! I love the last picture :)

amarkonmywall said...

Rich reports that it has been raining and raining on the mountain. I am in Florida getting ready to fly home. The rain is just what new plantings in my garden have been needing! I love the way the Golden girls play fight and I'm always amazed at what wonderful companions they are for each other. In. The future, on our final round of cats, we will try to get siblings or same age so they can grow and play and sleep together. Right now we have, at best, an easy truce.

NCmountainwoman said...

Thanks for your comments everyone.

NanaNor - No, our dogs are not real sisters. We got Lucy when Ellie was two. They are both from the same breeder. We had never had two dogs at one time before but they are twice the fun.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I always love your Fridays are Golden posts. Your girls are so special.... Love seeing them both napping --after their play-time.....


Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

Your goldens are beautiful. Friends of ours have goldens and they are some of the sweetest and best dogs I've ever know. You are very fortunate to have those two lovely friends.