On the other hand...they certainly don't seem to have any trouble at all sleeping in these as this picture of Lucy suggests.
But you don't know how much circling and pawing I had to do to finally get to sleep. And look how my head is hanging over the side, and my paw as well.
Ellie is sound asleep in her bed as well.
Yes, Mom. I may be asleep but I'm not all that comfortable. These bolsters don't hold up all that well.
Imagine their surprise the other afternoon when my husband picked up both beds to take them outside.
Lucy immediately follows him and almost grabbed one of them.
Whoa Dad. What are you doing?
Both dogs are keenly interested in what is going on. The dogs don't like change. They don't even like it when the covers are being washed, or when the beds are moved for vacuuming. And now their beds are being dragged out right in front of them.
I don't get it. Are we going somewhere? We never take these old beds with us.
This is too scary for me. I'm going to get in my crate.

My husband has gone up the stairs and Lucy stares up there in wonderment.
Dad! Have you lost it? You left our beds outside!

Well, girls. Remember that really big package we got before went on vacation? And you were really interested in it?

After a beautiful sunny week, it is raining and windy here today. The trees are swaying and the leaves are falling in huge numbers. The birds are flocking to the feeders this morning.
My husband has gone up the stairs and Lucy stares up there in wonderment.
Dad! Have you lost it? You left our beds outside!
Well, girls. Remember that really big package we got before went on vacation? And you were really interested in it?
The tag on the box may give you a clue about the contents.
After a beautiful sunny week, it is raining and windy here today. The trees are swaying and the leaves are falling in huge numbers. The birds are flocking to the feeders this morning.
Oh Shoot! I wanted to the girls in their new bed! Phooey! :(
I think it's so cute that Ellie gets into her crate when life is a little too disruptive. She knows where it's safe until things calm down. Hope they love their new beds.
Beautiful girls you have!!
Looks like the girls have gotten new large-print VISA cards...or maybe new beds. Do they make those Sleep Number beds for dogs now? :-)
New beds? That's really going to mess them up for a while, until the girls get used to it.
Your goldens are so cute...I love this post. Our dogs are equally spoiled with nice beds all over the house...but still their favorite bed is MINE.
Have a wonderful weekend..can't wait to see the opened boxes.
I hope they like their new beds.
And what are their numbers? Grins.
If they are like The Herd, they will have to take the new beds through a "break-in" period.
What fun! I remember when we got our new mattress - heavenly!
We're going to a family friendly Halloween party tomorrow - there will definitely be a blog post about it!
OMD!!!! Those pics are sooooo funny!!! Why can't our humans just leave our stuff the way WE like it!!!
lotsa licks,
They are just so cute.....i just love those golden girls....
I do so like to be left in suspense.....can't wait for the next instalment......
This sounds like a very traumatic experience for the girls. Did they think you were going to make them sleep outside? I'm betting there will be a happy ending to this story.
It's very windy and rainy here today.
The girls are so beautiful and expressive. They clearly love their beds. I hope they get used to their new beds soon and get a lot of good rest. This is like my black lab, Pepper. He puts his head outside his doghouse. I don't know how he can sleep like that, but he does. Dogs are such a joy!
Absolutely Delightful Ladies...
Bet they'll be puffing up their 'NEW' Beds as soon as you put them down...I know they can sleep just about anywhere as long as their family is close by...
Great Pics...
Hmm.. could they have new beds? I can't wait to see the next post!
My lab is the same way. Doesn't like his bed moved or rearranged. Can't wait to see the girls reaction to their surprise.
I hope that the girls don't have to wait until the next Golden Friday to get their Orvis gifts!!!
Lucky girls!
Oh NICE!! Nothing like a fresh new bed. I love seeing their reactions - they are innocent just like little kids :)
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I think your trees are gorgeous too! And boy, those Golden girls are something beautiful too!
Best always to you!
What lucky dogs to have such sweet and thoughtful people to own!
Ah, just in time for winter!
So they handled their time at doggy camp okay?
My guess is new beds as well. What a cliffhanger!
Poor babies! I can't believe you left them hanging for a whole week!
Oh wait, that is us, not the babies. I can't believe you left us hanging! tee hee
Oh the suspense it killing me! My little guy sure likes his routines and things just aren't right if we are not following them.
New beds? They're going to forget the old ones in a second, hee, hee! We're off for hiking ourselves but have a great one and enjoy some fall leaves for us.
I love how lucy sleeps half hanging out of her dog bed! That's what Scout does! You'll have to let me know how your girls like their new beds. It's time for Scout to get a new one. Have a great weekend!!
New beds is our guess..You would never leave the old ones outside otherwise..Enjoy the beds ladies.
I am with the dogs...bed is the most consoling of places.
i hope i don't have to wait till next friday to see the new beds!!
Your girls are so beautiful. I love their blond "bloomers" - will stay tuned for the next episode:)
Can't wait to see the new beds-with the girls in them. We were in your neck of the woods- probably within a stone's throw as we wandered all through the neighborhood. We didn't get to the waterfalls although we located them, mapwise. Just so much to do and see! Can't wait to get back.
Cute little story! Great expressions. Dogs can be so HUMANLIKE in their personalities!
I bet the box contains... new FLEECE beds for winter! Maybe Dog Bunk BEds?!?!? :)
cute photos of the golden girls. Hope they enjoyed their new beds!
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