Monday, August 17, 2009

Store Bought is Fine

I love Food Network in general and Ina Garten (The Barefoot Contessa) in particular. She is among my favorites for several reasons. Her recipes are delicious and look complex although most of them are simple. She uses everyday ingredients. (Although I do love it when she advises to use a GOOD mustard, or a GOOD mayo.) She loves to cook and to entertain and she has a way of making her guests feel at ease. She's the kind of person you would like for a friend. Another quality I like about her is a quality that Julia Child also had: 1) It's all right if you make a mistake, and 2) you don't have to make EVERYTHING from scratch.

Sorry, I got this in an email from a friend, so I cannot credit it.

When we wanted some more boulders on our property, I thought of Ina. We decided that if we didn't have enough natural rocks, then store-bought would be just fine.

I'll give you to process if you ever want to get some rocks for yourself. First you call different companies and ask if they deliver and set up. You'd be surprised how many of them only sell rocks and do not deliver them. When you find someone who does deliver, he makes a visit to your property to see if he can set them without damage to your property.

After deciding how many rocks you want and how big they should be (and what you can afford), you go to the place of business and pick out your rocks. [I went with my husband to the first place (where we found they don't deliver), and then he made the final trip since we both liked the same character in the rocks.] My husband was quite surprised when the owner advised him to watch his step since there were rattlesnakes around there. [IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't wear your Tevas like my husband did.]

The owner gets machinery to lift the rock so you can see it from all sides. Rocks really do have character and some of them are far more appealing than others. Once you've decided on your rocks, you pay the owner half the cost and set up delivery.

When delivery day comes, you pray that it will not rain. You also pray that the people do know what they are doing and will not damage any of your trees. Oh, and you keep your dogs indoors.

Here, the rocks are off-loaded from the huge truck that brought them.

This spot is desperately in need of a rock.

See? I told you it needed one.

Here are some of the other rocks in place. The workers dig holes in which to set the rocks securely. The rocks are great for sitting on to read or just enjoy being outdoors. And I think they are lovely to look at as well. They all look so natural, as if they had always been there.

I always make cookies or muffins for the men who do such work on our property. Such a simple thing and they really seem to enjoy them.
Oh...better make more coffee and extra cookies for the neighbors. As soon as the works leave they are going to "drop by" to see what's been going on. They have been waiting ever since they saw the two big trucks arrive. Ina would be pleased.


Rudee said...

I love Ina's recipes and have been thinking of making her lemon bars this week. They're so good, but the last time I made them, I ate almost all of them by myself. Not so good for the waistline.

The rocks are beautiful, but just like at the quarry, will snakes also find them to be a great hangout?

Carol Murdock said...

Carolyn...Ina is a joy to watch and a first rate cook! I love the rocks!! However it stuck me when reading about you buying and hauling in rock how hard the pioneer mountain men worked to remove rocks with a sled and mule! Talk about full circle !! LOL!

robin andrea said...

We don't have cable tv anymore, and I sure do miss the Food Network. They really could be very inspiring.

Beautiful rocks, and they look great.

Leedra said...

I picture flowers all around the rocks. Surprised? Probably not. I also (think?) I learned something Granny Smith apples need another 7 years before I am going to eat more than one apple a year. Although I am not sure that is what is wrong with the pear tree. I had plenty last year, none this year.

Dog_geek said...

Well, I can't say that I ever watch the Food Network, and I don't spend much time in the kitchen, but I do appreciate a good rock!

angela said...

Loved the story about the rocks--yes, those things are heavy to put in place yourself!

And I like Ina too--just like company when I'm cooking sometimes...and she's pretty down to earth.

troutbirder said...

I love your store bought rocks. Mine though came free (sorta) I had to have a well dug for our new house in the woods. Then run a line from it to our old house so the water would meet state standards, The trench produced huge limestone rocks. I made a rock garden The well $22,000 The rock were free (sorta)

Busy Bee Suz said...

I love the 'store bought' moto also. I always say: "presentation is everything" meaning, you can make anything LOOK pretty. Just like your bought boulders. I love them. :)

Jayne said...

LOL... I love it Carolyn! They DO look as if they've always been there.

Cheryl said...

I always watch Ina....I love her cooking sytle, so different from the English way...she also has a great personality...

The rocks are great.....and look so natural. It must be lovely to sit on one and read a book......I think you may find Ellie and Lucy enjoying them to......

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love your rocks, Carolyn... Why not buy them ---IF you don't have them!!! We have too many around here. George has trouble getting the roses to do well in some spots because there is nothing underground EXCEPT rocks. Oh Well!!!!

We're home from our 2-day Hendersonville adventure. The plumbing is fixed and the folks are happy (I hope).


George said...

I enjoyed hearing about how you got the rocks on your property. I don't watch the Food Network, but I think you adopted a great way to get the rocks you wanted. And they do look like they've always been there.

Twisted Fencepost said...

We have plenty of BIG rocks here on the farm. Getting them moved is the problem.
Oh, and the nosey neighbor thing...we have those too. Only they're our family. But we always include eachother in our escapades. tee hee

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do love those rocks!

A bench just wouldn't have cut it. . . !

Dawn Fine said...

Oh my sicksta would kill for those rocks..well almost.
She lives in the Sandhills of NC and has none!