Monday, August 31, 2009

Misty Mornings

The sun is sleeping in later and later. Sunrise today is 7:03. And the sun goes to bed much sooner. Tonight's sunset will be at 7:59. It has been a while since the sun set before 8:00.

Morning mist and fog is very common in the mountains during spring and fall and it lingers much longer as the sun rises later and later. A common phrase around here is "I'll be there as soon as the sun burns off the fog a little."

The mist and fog give us new views of our common sights. Here a mother and her twins have breakfast in the grass by the roadside in the early morning mist.

Quite accustomed to people, the deer stand and stare at the camera.

Finally the mother decides to lead her little ones away. The disobedient one ran into the woods while the good little fawn follows Mom's footsteps.

If the later sunrise weren't sign enough, look at the leaves behind the woodpecker. They are all becoming dusky and some of them are beginning to show a little hint of fall color.
Yes, fall is approaching. Already the "experts" are predicting the extent and peak times of fall color. Some say the leaf season will be shorter than usual; some longer. Some predict the color will be duller than usual; others say it will be spectacular. Some say it will be sooner than usual; others later. They all have sound reasons for their predictions. About the only things that we know are true...the leaves will indeed turn and the tourists will flock to the mountains to view them. And we who live here will enjoy them every bit as much as the tourists.


George said...

What a wonderful post. I really like those pictures of the deer and her fawns. We'll be enjoying the fall colors here on the Plateau of Tennessee as well.

Dog_geek said...

Ha - it sounds like just about the same leaf predictions we get every year, doesn't it? One of them is bound to be right!

The Bug said...

I'm looking forward to seeing fall from a new perspective - new home, new commute to my old job. There are lots of trees - &, yes, fog to burn off. Unfortunately I can't wait & must just drive slowly through...

robin andrea said...

Yes, the light is changing, and changing fast. Here the sun is rising at 6:38, and setting already at 7:37. Only three weeks from equinox. I love the balance of light and darkness then, and the way the sun slants through the trees. All the critters know what's coming. They prepare.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Beautiful photos and of course beautiful words. I hope your fall is brilliant!

Thistlebrooms said...

Oh How Wonderful...
There's usually one straggler with fawn's...The Strong Survive...

The weather here has also changed (for the better)I always seem to pick up the work mode in the Cool Crisp Air of Autumn, such a pleasure...
Always look forward to the changing of leaves BUT NOT so much what comes after that!!!

Wonderful photos (of course)

Wishing You A Bounty Of Fall Color...

Cheryl said...

I think you may enjoy it more than the tourists because you really appreciate and love where you live.....the deer in the mist made me swallow just a little bit harder, so beautiful. I love deer..... I loved mist..... for me perfect combination.

Anonymous said...

Just like the weather doesn't always listen to the weatherman, the trees don't always listen to predictions.

Rae said...

I love your photos. You are so fortunate to be surrounded by such beautiful countryside and mountains. Autumn is such a wonderful season but it seems to go faster than the others. Maybe because it is my favorite. I hate to see it turn into winter.

Barb said...

Great shots of your local wildlife! I'll look forward to your leaf season.

Tina said...

I love the colors of spring summer and fall but oh that white of winter is not on my list right now...slow down mother nature...linger just a big longer...
the misty catch of the mother and fawns is very nice...and isn't there always one little one who disobeys and runs the opposite way..
I love when you post pics of your pileated..just once I would love to see one close enough to appreciate how big they are...right now I've only seen them thru binos :(

D.K. Wall said...

I love getting up every morning and scanning the ridges around me for the change in colors. So much fun to see the color work its way down the elevation.

Great pictures of your feeding herd. As the days cool, the animals really get restless and bound all over the hills. It is great.

KB said...

Whether they're tame or not, I love the fawn photos!

And, the leaf predictions are as crazy around here as there.

How I wish the days would stay long even in the winter! But, alas, not all wishes can be granted, and I wouldn't appreciate the long days of summer so much if there weren't a contrast.

Carol Murdock said...

I won't see the leaves this year as we are not coming till mid November but perhaps will see snow. We are having the foggy mornings also and it so reminds me of the mountains! :)

JeanMac said...

I love the deer pictures. Our trees are slowly showing color also. We are watching for a favorite one which is a beautiful golden color once it changes.

amarkonmywall said...

I just can't wait for those misty mountain days. Wonderful post!

Jayne said...

How sweet! Love seeing mom and her growing youngsters. :c)
Fall is definitely in the air, and I am sooooo ready now.

Ruth said...

What a treat to see the deer. Our nights are very cool lately too with heavy dew in the morning. Last night we had our first frost warning...way too early for that! Nice to see your P. Woodpecker again.

kks said...

beautiful pictures!

troutbirder said...

Really neat doe and fawn pictures. Wish I could be among the flocking fall tourists. Maybe next year...

Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the twins.
It has been a long time since I've witnessed Autumn in the mountains. I need to plan a trip back to WV this fall and enjoy it with my friends.

Leedra said...

Yes, fall is in the air. Love the deer and woodpecker photos.

Ashley said...

How amazing! I love the images you have of the deer family, they are so lovely. Great post!