Friday, February 15, 2019

We Love Lucy

Sunshine!  We have had sunshine for three consecutive days now.  And I love it!  One of our camellias is bursting with buds and even has a blossom or two.  I'm sure the buds will get caught in another cold spell and turn brown and drop off.  Such is the price you pay for planting something at the very cusp of its planting zone.  But you do get the occasional reward of a fully blooming tree,  And the plant itself is lovely and I enjoy it.  We actually have three of them and they are among my favorite plants.

Our Lucy is about the same.  Certainly no worse and perhaps a bit better as she accommodates for the lame leg.  She moves slowly but does not appear to have any pain.  We bought more boots for her since we have had rain and we want them to completely dry out when they get wet .  She is much more comfortable with the boots on her hind legs since they give her a more sure footing.  They also protect the foot which she sometimes drags as she goes up the driveway.  It is a real plus that she seems to enjoy the boots and does not like for us to take them off to let her foot get some air.

She's looking a bit unkempt since we no longer take her for a bath and grooming.  Getting her into and out of the car and then having the bath seems like too much trauma for her.  So we groom her ourselves, trimming inside her ears and doing her foot/paw care.

My son sent me a photograph of one of his cats.  He and his wife picked her from the shelter when she was a tiny kitten.  She has a congenital neuro-muscular problem and was destined for euthanasia.  Of course that is the kitten they chose to be the companion to their other cat that wandered into their lives.  She is not  often seen when Violet is around.  But when Violet is safely in her crib the cat takes full advantage of one of the soft blankets I knitted.

Thankful that active little toddler is tucked away.

Today's quote comes from the famous Daniel Webster and could not be more appropriate:

"The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power."

The other quote comes from American journalist Garet Garrett.  I don't agree with all his opinions, but this one is spot-on.

"Loyalty of the law-making power to the executive power was one of the dangers the political fathers foretold."


So ends another week.  I will be having PET (positron emission tomography) scans this weekend.  These sophisticated scans will reveal how effective the new chemotherapy has been on containing the remaining spots of cancer and to see if any new areas have popped up.  The scans will be extensive, from "skull to thighs."  We are cautiously optimistic since my cancer marker levels in the blood have not risen.  But after 30 weeks on the new treatment, we need to know exactly where we stand.  My oncologist will explain the options we have based on the result of the scans.  Keep your fingers crossed and petition the deity of your choosing, please.



Barbara Rogers said...

Fingers and toes crossed your scans show nothing at all of cancer-type things. Dieties all in a row receiving offerings...especially those who offer healing as their forte. Prayers too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You will surely be in my thoughts for good news from the cancer screenings, and we have a family member who also has and still undergoes the same tests and it’s been good news for her. Definitely will petition those in higher places for your good news as well. Glad to read thay Lucy is comfortable and not in discomfort. I had a black cat named Sambuca who also liked soft blankets.

Nance said...

I'm looking out at a flurry of snow, unexpected and thanks to Lake Effect. More is expected. But yes, Spring will come; it always does, in some form or another.

I shall be thinking all the best for you with regard to your upcoming scans. (And your pet and grand-pet!)

Vicki Lane said...

Good to hear that Lucy is doing well. And how nice that your son adopted that kitty. Most of all, I am holding you in my heart as your take those tests -- and always.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you have had sunshine. I'm looking forward to some sun here after more than a week of rain. It's wonderful that you got boots for Lucy. She is in such good loving hearts. We'll be thinking of you and sending the very best wishes from the California north coast to you. May it all be excellent news.

The Bug said...

That is a lovely throw! I might have to take up knitting (my standard reply when someone asks is that I'm afraid I'll put my eye out with one of the knitting needles).

I'm glad Lucy is comfortable - she's still such a lovely dog. And I'm putting you on my prayer app even now!

Arkansas Patti said...

Aww what a sweet son you raised and what a lucky cat. So glad Lucy is doing so well and enjoys her boots. Most dogs would eat them off their feet. She knows they help.
Sending hugs and prayers for great news from the PET scan. Let us know.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Lucy is as beautiful as always. I'm so happy that the boots help. You definitely have my prayers and whatever good karma I can send your way. I hope you will be able to get us a good report soon.

Lowcarb team member said...

I always enjoy seeing photographs of Lucy.
My thoughts and good wishes as you undergo your PET scan.

All the best Jan

KB said...

My fingers are crossed and I am sending you strong thoughts for a good outcome on the pet scans. It must be a little scary.

I am so glad to hear the news of Lucy. Your love for her is so clear in how you are adapting your life to her illness. Please give her an extra pat from me.

Tara said...

Hoping for a good outcome to the PET scans. I think it's always best to know what you're dealing with (some would disagree). You're taking such sweet care of Lucy, loving her up letting her skip the bathing! She's probably very glad about that.

The sun breaking through for three whole days is a marvelous thing! Could spring be on the way? Eventually. We are water-logged here but the sun is also shining. The dogs are very happy that they don't have to do their business in the rain for a change.

My best to you, your husband, and Lucy!

KGMom said...

Just catching up on the news about Lucy. And you said it perfectly--we can be sad and yet honor the promise to care for our beloved pets and to let them go when "it's time."
Thinking good thoughts--sending them your way.

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Joared said...

Glad Lucy benefits from and appreciates her boots. Will be sending positive thoughts for your PET scan. The quotes you shared are surely spot on. I think of the Supreme Court in connection to the last quote. NC certainly having a difficult time getting Gov. election settled.

NCmountainwoman said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone.

Barbara - Thanks. I do appreciate prayers

Beatrice - Thanks. I hope I can be as fortunate as your family member and begin to look upon this as a chronic disease rather than a killer.

Nance- Thanks. Our Milwaukee daughter is sick of the snow.

Vicki - Thanks. Yes, it was so good of them to adopt a "special needs" cat. Actually, as she has grown, she has become pretty good at adapting to her problems.

Robin - Thank you from across the country.

Bug - I learned to crochet but it feels "backward." The hook and yarn are reversed. Besides, crochet is a lot more forgiving. Yours is lovely so stick with it.

Patti - When we lived in Milwaukee the dogs had to wear boots because of the ice and salt on the streets. Lucy hated them then but I do think these help her so much she likes them.

Ginnie - Thank you so much.

Jan - Thanks. I was supposed to eat low-carb meals the day before. Thanks for your recipes.

KB - Thank you. Yes, it is a bit scary. I'll be glad to hear the results no matter what they are.

Tara - I totally agree with you. I want to know what's going on.

Donna - Thanks so much.

Joared - Thanks. It's actually the US Representative that is still in question. Will likely require another election since this one was so tainted.