Friday, February 12, 2010

Fridays are Golden

Our dogs often share the same bed despite the fact that there are beds for each one. The instigator of this togetherness is always Lucy. It is never Ellie who goes over to lie next to Lucy but she doesn't object when Lucy lies next to (or on) her. Lucy explains her system:

Well, first you find out where Ellie is. Then you go over to that bed and nose around as if you aren't really interested. You sort of look around and then sit on the edge of the bed. You might have to wriggle your butt a bit in order to fit.

You sit there for a minute or two as if lying down is the last thing on your mind. Too bad I don't know how to hum or whistle because that's what I would do to show my disinterest.

Next, you begin to turn around in Ellie's direction. You look out the window as if you are watching something outdoors.

The next step takes a lot of practice. You simply plop down with no real idea how you will end up. This is a temporary move.

Once settled, you can feel free to move and use Ellie as a pillow. It may look simple, but then I have lots of practice.

Another Friday, another prediction for snow! We moved away from Wisconsin to be rid of the winter snow. Of course we are better prepared than some of the deep south states who are likely to get snowed in. What a strange winter.
Wherever you are and whatever your weather, enjoy the weekend with those you love. Take time for yourself and also give some time to others.


Anonymous said...

Are you taking those pictures with a flash? They look completely unphased! So nonchalant about their fame. (And so pretty!)

We may even get snow today, but probably not enough to stick. Look at the bright side: think how AUTHENTIC you'll feel as you watch the Olympics!

(Oh...right now it's minus 1 in the Wisconsin town where we used to live. THAT'S why we moved. :)

D.K. Wall said...

Love coming by for my Golden Fridays fix. Funny how dogs can find ways to sleep on, around, or just touching each other.

Ane, yes, the snow is supposed to start up here at 2.

Dog_geek said...

Lucy is so funny - and Ellie so tolerant. I think B would like to be able to snuggle up with another dog, but Z and L would never go along with it.

abb said...

I love those dogs! Ellie has such a resigned look on her mug. Stay warm!

Cedar ... said...

Love the girls! And re: snow... go figure,... here in far northern NY the ground is almost bare! Mother Nature is confused!

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

That Lucy is so cute! Of course Ellie is just so sweet to "put up" with Lucy. :)

Rae said...

The girls are always a source of entertainment. You don't need TV when you can watch them. Such sweet dogs.

Rudee said...

Lucy is a clever girl.

Cicero Sings said...

I think I've said it before but that Ellie is SUCH a patient girl.

troutbirder said...

Wow! Pretty impressive. That's Carolyn, the dog whisperer and psychoanalyst. :)

Carol Murdock said...

Ahwwwwwwwwww those girls are the sweetest!!

Valerie Cummings said...

I love your goldens!! They are gorgeous!! And so loving to each other! Fridays ARE Golden! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Jayne said...

Boy, you are not kidding Carolyn. Strange indeed. Snow in Shreveport this morning, and Atlanta is getting pummeled too. We were told it would "probably" all go south of us, yet I am looking out my window at yet more snow pouring down in northwest GA. I will be happy to see this winter end.

Sam said...

Seems like not much has changed since early January, when you last posted. The Golden Girls are still joined at the hip!

Cheryl said...

Wonderful words to go with the photographs....they are such a perfect pair.......

We have had more snow....i am so fed up with snow. Yes you are right, it has been a very strange winter.

Vicki Lane said...

Wonderful series of shots. That's what we call 'dog politics.' They are so clever about getting what they want.

George said...

What a great photo sequence of Lucy's 'system'. I think Ellie deserves a medal for taking this so calmly.
Schools here in Cumberland County were in session (an hour late) today for the first time this week and for only the second time this month!
I'm ready for Spring.

Barb said...

Actually - I think maybe you're reading Lucy's mind! Her facial expressions and body language go perfectly with the words! Too funny. Also, I like the way Ellie's right eye is slightly closed in one of the photos - as if she's trying to determine what's going on... The Girls always put a smile on my face.

kks said...

that is so great!! loved the commentary! such beautiful dogs and so lucky to have such wonderful owners....we have several Dichi's at the Vet School that come into community practice, i love to see them, they are beautiful dogs...
yes, you guys have been getting the winter blast this year...just think how much we will appreciate spring this year!!
peaceful weekend to you!

How Sam Sees It said...

Those are some great pictures! You are one very tricky pup!


1000 Goldens said...

I love that you said too bad she can't whistle, that painted a perfect picture :)

Anonymous said...

They have their routines down pat. Hope you are weathering our winter!

Taradharma said...

I love a pile of animals. They seem to want this so much. Often times, I have 2 dogs and a cat on my bed with me, all touching each other in some way, and snoring away contentedly. My happy family.

Kelly said...

Ahhhhhh.....what a sweet, sweet post!! I just love Golden's. (I also love your header. Nice shot of the females cardinal.) Happy V-day!

KB said...

What an amazingly simple series of photos that you made into a very amusing story. I love it!

Sorry about the snow. We rely on it here for our drinking water, and we're behind... so send it to us!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Poor Ellie. I know how she feels, cause that's how my dogs treat me.