Morning mist and fog is very common in the mountains during spring and fall and it lingers much longer as the sun rises later and later. A common phrase around here is "I'll be there as soon as the sun burns off the fog a little."
The mist and fog give us new views of our common sights. Here a mother and her twins have breakfast in the grass by the roadside in the early morning mist.
Quite accustomed to people, the deer stand and stare at the camera.
Finally the mother decides to lead her little ones away. The disobedient one ran into the woods while the good little fawn follows Mom's footsteps.
If the later sunrise weren't sign enough, look at the leaves behind the woodpecker. They are all becoming dusky and some of them are beginning to show a little hint of fall color.
Yes, fall is approaching. Already the "experts" are predicting the extent and peak times of fall color. Some say the leaf season will be shorter than usual; some longer. Some predict the color will be duller than usual; others say it will be spectacular. Some say it will be sooner than usual; others later. They all have sound reasons for their predictions. About the only things that we know are true...the leaves will indeed turn and the tourists will flock to the mountains to view them. And we who live here will enjoy them every bit as much as the tourists.