I know something interesting has been on this wall!

You go this way and I'll go that way.

What is this? I don't think it was here yesterday.

You're right. It definitely wasn't here before.

I'm queen of the hill when I sit on this huge rock!

After finishing the plants in front, we took the girls to the trail to do some serious running. Needless to say, they were exhausted when we returned. Here's how they spent much of the remainder of the day.

Can you believe this is the last Friday in April? We are having gorgeous spring weather with warmer than normal temperatures and bright sunshine. May will bring the reality of the spring that April tempted us with.
Whatever your plans for this weekend, have a wonderful one. Touch base with an old friend, and tell your family how much you love them.
I always love seeing the girls! Forecast for this weekend here is high 70s,... maybe into low 80s,.... how nice! Enjoy your weekend!
That looks like a nice DOG FOUNTAIN!
There they are in all their Golden Glory! " The Girl" wants a GR!
You know mine are the same way, got to investigate anything new!
I've had my Friday Fix got to work in the yard now!
Your girls are so pretty.
My My Your Your Goldens truly are beautiful, especially in the sunlight. And curious. And obviously fun to hike with. My Baron is collapsed in the shade beside the truck after a big hike and chase with his girlfriend Daisy this morning. I love the titmouse post. I only see them here at my feeders in the winter. They must be to hard to spot if they nest in the woods.
The golden girls always have a little story to tell. I wonder what they could smell.....
It is just so cute the way they sleep so peacefully together......
Enjoy your warm weather while you can......we too have had way above average temperature for this time of year......
Your girls are gorgeous! The bird spa is pretty cool too!
I knew I'd open your blog to a sea of gold, and you haven't disappointed me! They always seem to have such fun adventures ending in a nice nap next to each other. A great life, for sure. I hope you are having weather as lovely as ours is here. Have a great weekend, and thanks for spoiling us with pictures of the girls.
awe, cute puppies! happy friday!:)
Carolyn, I love seeing your Goldens on Fridays... They are so cute how they lay all over one another when they sleep. TOO cute!!!!
Your birdbath is gorgeous.... I'm surprised that the doggies don't drink the water!!!!!
Carolyn: Dogs do have to constantly smell and mark their teritories. Every walk with mine I have to control direction and marking places.
Thanks for the Golden fix - your girls are beautiful. Your blog has beautiful photography!
I always look forward to your Golden Fridays! Beautiful dogs, Gundo sends his kind regards,
We have had warm weather until today...the first Sat. of the season I planned on garage saleing. Misty cold rain...I still went. Your dogs look just like my neighbors (distant relatives don't ya know) dog that just had a bath today and greeted me on the front lawn (o:
Your girls always make me smile! Even when I am having a bad day, I will read your Golden Friday posts and feel happy. So cute! I love the one with the bird bath.
Your Golden Girls are always a joy to see. Our little munchkin comes home May 5th! We go out to see him one more time, April 29th ... before the real fun begins! LOL. I've read and am re-reading the Monks of Skeet's training manual for puppies.
what we love about the seasons...always feels so good to get out and dig in the dirt, love the birdbath....the goldens are enjoying the lovey weather too! looks like you live in a beautiful space!
My first visit. Your post opened and I read the first words and subscribed to your blog. I have never ever done that before. Anyway, you are doing or have done what my wife of 54 years, Patty, and I wanted to do but didn't. That is: move to North Carolina. We even visited the area: Tryon. But we stayed here and still sometimes regret it. With all our health problems now, and at our ages, we will probably stay but we can or I can enjoy what I missed by just following your blog.
The other reason is your dogs Ellie and Lucy. My goodness they are beautiful and what a change it must be for them -- Wisconsin weather and North Carolina.
You have a wonderful blog and a lot of dedicated followers.
Abe Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio
Your lucky girls will be drinking from the bird spa - I'm sure of it! We had a bear drink from ours one year.
Your goldens glow with happiness and good health. I love the photos.
your pictures are lovely, and those dogs are so beautiful. this blog is a great weekly visit for me.
i like that birdhouse, too--the one that looks just like a bowling ball.
Thanks, everyone for dropping by with your comments.
Carol - I can't say enough about Goldens. They really are wonderful loving dogs.
Cicero - I can't wait to hear the stories about your new puppy.
Abe Lincoln - Thanks for dropping by and for your very kind words. We love the area, but you are right, we do not have good access to health care. Our community has a heliport for air lifting emergency patients to Asheville, NC or Greenville, SC
The girls obviously had a wonderful day -- I hope yours was just as good.
What lovely gals! What buddies! What companions! I wish I had seen this on Friday - it's truly a wonderful way to begin a weekend (and you capture them so well and then give their essence to others to enjoy.) They're good vibes - any day of the week!
Cute girls as always..Somehow I have missed a few of your posts...must check my blogroll to see if you are updated.
When every I see two Goldens snuggled up together for a nap, it makes me wish we had another fur baby!
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