Maybe if I don't look at her she won't know I brought two tennis balls with me.
Still not looking directly at you, Mom.
Meanwhile Lucy stares out the window. She watches the birds come to the feeders on the deck. And she is always on the lookout for squirrels. Several times every day Lucy walks around the house, checking all the windows she can. When she sees someone walking on "her" street, she gives a little muffled bark and stands at attention until they are out of sight.
I do love watching those birds come and go.
And when she is tired from all those "watch dog" duties, she settles in for some rest. Preferably using Ellie for a pillow.
David Hume, a philosopher and skeptic who lived more than two centuries ago wrote some observations that definitely apply to our current Congress.
"When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities."
If you have not contacted your Senators and expressed your feelings about the current quagmire, please contact them and make your voice be heard. You can find your Senators here. Your Congressional Representative can be found here.
And for this weekend, try to forget our arrogant leaders. Focus on your family and loved ones.
And Have a Wonderful Weekend, everyone!