My next thought was an American Redstart, but he was a little larger than a Redstart and had no yellow or orange.
I apologize for the poor quality of this shot, the only one I got. (You can click to enlarge.) I don't have a photo-editing program, so I can't bring out any specific qualities. The lower part of the head was more black, as were the areas under the wings. The back was less black...almost a dark blue.
If I rely solely on bird books, I would call this a Black-throated Blue Warbler. I've never actually seen one, and wasn't aware they would be found in Western North Carolina.
I would appreciate any help you may give in helping identify this bird for me. He was quite charming and I was delighted to see him. The photograph was taken three days ago, and there's been no further sighting.
From looking at all my bird books I think your guess of a male black-throated Blue Warbler is correct. Several of my books show that the Appalachian species frequent your area for the spring/summer and then migrate to the Carribbean. Wow! what a thrill to find a bird you might not have seen in your backyard before! :)
Looks a little bit like a blue-gray gnatcatcher.
Please let us know what the definitive answer is.
I don't know what kind of bird it is but it is GORGEOUS... We had a Red-breasted Grosbeak visit our feeders for 2 days. I assume they were migrating also.
Too bad I can't help......I'm not really good at identifying birds. Maybe try Abraham's Bird Blog, Here
And since you like birds, you may just like to read his blog regularly!
Unfortunately I cannot help as I am only familiar with out own native species.........
Wonderful to see and I love the fact it is merrily pecking away in the basket....
Black-throated blue it is! Gorgeous bird.... those white "handkerchiefs" are a dead giveaway. Nice find!
Male Black-throated Blue Warbler. The key ID is the white "pocket handkerchief" ...
oh. I see Laura already pointed that out. duh.
Anyway, it is a sweet find.
It is so exciting to see new birds pass through our yards and gardens. Awesome sighting
How exciting Carolyn! I've never seen one and would not have had a clue either. Lucky you!
Carolyn: It certainly is a beautiful bird.
Thanks, all. This was just one lucky thing. What are the odds that we would find a Black-throated Blue Warbler here? And sitting right in a hanging basket on the deck? I feel a bit guilty that I didn't go searching to find this lovely little bird.
I was sitting in a corner of the deck reading. Fortunately I had the camera with me and just happened to look up at just the right time. Twenty seconds sooner or later, and I would have missed him.
Perhaps I should buy a lottery ticket.
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