Remember my lament when the first female Rose-breasted Grosbeak arrived? That was more than a week ago and the males are still around, although fewer in number.
Doesn't he look so handsome sitting there?
In an instant, he scratches and takes on the appearance of an entirely different bird!
I have no idea what this goofy little guy is thinking. He certainly can't eat from the thistle feeder. Perhaps he's simply taking a break.
I have a feeling the Grosbeak Guys will be moving on very shortly. It has been a pleasure having their company for a while.
He certainly is handsome!!
Handsome indeed! That scratching picture does make him look totally!
It has been a joy to watch them visit you....tku for sharing.......
His little body has so many different colors, some linear, some chunky that he looks like an unfinished painting! Love that last shot of him! We don't get to see many of these birds so I have enjoyed seeing your up-close pictures of them! thanks
He certainly looks like he's in a transitional phase! I won't see one of these in my yard until next May:(
What a great series of photos!
I think you have my grosbeak! Great photo - I'm already missing them here in Mich!
Carolyn, I think the Male Grosbeak is the most colorful bird that visited my feeders. I was most excited to see him, too! I'm glad they hung around for a while. Keep watching...
That must be their fall plumage, they look so much different when they come through here (Texas) in the spring. The colors become much more defined and solid looking. Thanks for the post!
Love them!
They are gorgeous birds - and the background colors are lovely.
He is a gorgeous 'hunk' as we used to say.
Carolyn: What neat shots of the colorful bird.
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