Yesterday, my husband and I were driving near our house when six wild turkeys happened to be crossing the road. They seemed in no hurry at all. Fortunately, I had my camera so I took a few shots of them.

They sauntered across the road as if they had the right-of-way. In fact, they did.

The turkeys walked right past my side of the car and I took another picture through the open window. They were too close for me to get all of them in the picture.

Clearly, these turkeys (like the proverbial chicken) were crossing the road to get to the other side. Fortunately, the driver of the car behind us was aware that we had a good reason for stopping right in the road. It is not at all uncommon to come upon a stopped car around here. Usually, it's because a deer has crossed and the driver is waiting, knowing there are likely more to follow. We stop for all animals here, including squirrels, chipmunks or anything else that shares our community with us.
There is almost always a friendly wave from the driver in front as he or she is finally able to move forward. I like that.
It sounds like a slower, more critter-friendly pace where you live. I think wild turkeys are really beautiful birds.
I wish people here would slow down for wildlife....many a time I have left my car and seen wild animals safely across the road.....I saw ducklings and Mum across a road a few years ago....
I love your post....its good to know that I am not alone......
Lucky for those turkeys they are living by you ... it being Canadian Thanksgiving and all. LOL
I very much appreciate it when I see others take the time out of their day to stop or slow down and make sure creatures get to the other side! It wouldn't hurt all drivers to slow down a bit. Definitely would save more of God's creatures big and small, wild and human!
I think turkeys are fun birds to watch!
I generally see wild turkeys at the far edges of cornfields, far from my camera's best zoom. Last fall one appeared at the window of our treatment room at the closest encounter, but no camera around!
It is good that people respect and watch for the critters. Watching them calms me.
We often come across wild turkeys around here. We ran into a bunch of them last week when walking with the dogs through Squirrel Hollow. The dogs were not as patient as you and your neighbors, however. Chaos ensued, but no turkeys were harmed.
Sounds like a wonderful place!
How funny! So cool that you all see so much wildlife Carolyn. :c)
Better they be walking than their usual low flying as one missed my windshield by about a foot several years ago!
Lynne - Yes, we live a slower-paced life than most. And we love it.
Cheryl - Almost every day, some form of wildlife causes us to stop, and to think about their importance.
Cicero - I know you were already brining the Thanksgiving turkey, so they were in no danger.
Tina - Turkeys are fun to watch. It is unusual for them not to take flight when someone drives by.
Ruth - I'll bet all activity stopped so everyone could watch the turkey.
Twisted - I agree.
Dog geek - Our Lucy came upon a turkey while in the woods. We watched fearfully, afraid the turkey did not have enough room to take off. Fortunately she did. I have no idea what Lucy might have done had she caught up with her.
Kerri - It is, and we are grateful.
Jayne - It was amazing to see the turkeys keep walking. I fully expected them to fly off.
Troutbirder - Now that would be frightening. They are really big birds.
Carolyn: How wonderful that you live in an area to see these great birds. I feel it is a gift of nature when I see one.
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