Our daughter still lives in Wisconsin and after many years of having her nearby, we really miss her. She is such a wonderful daughter, and now a very good friend as well. The Golden Girls miss her too, especially Ellie with whom she has a special bond. When she comes to visit, Ellie is never far from her side.
And so...from Mom, Dad, Ellie and Lucy...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DAUGHTER!!!
We try to take the dogs to a new place every week. This week, we took them to a community cemetery. Big Hill Cemetery is in the middle of nowhere. There is not a church nearby and the cemetery, while still in use, is very old. The older section has many graves marked only with stones.

The headstone with the earliest date is that of Vaden Loftis who died in 1851 at the surprisingly old age of 85.
Seeing such old graves made me ponder about the lives of these people. How difficult life must have been for them here in the rugged and isolated mountains.
-----The girls had no thoughts about the people lying here. They were intent upon running at breakneck speed and smelling all the new smells around.
It was a beautiful fall day, and the trees were so colorful. What a nice place to have as your final resting place on earth.
The girls stopped for a moment. This is a shot of my husband's shadow as he takes a picture of Ellie and Lucy. You can tell from the smiles that they are having a great time.
The girls stopped for a moment. This is a shot of my husband's shadow as he takes a picture of Ellie and Lucy. You can tell from the smiles that they are having a great time.
Aw, I just love watching Ellie and Lucy. And I have to add that I LOOOVE old cemeteries like this. As a descendant of Appalachians, I'm always imagining what life would be like in that era where mountain life was isolated.
1766! wow That must be a very interesting place to visit and see all those old grave sites. It does provide food for thought about times long ago. Great pictures of your goldens, they always seem to be very happy and contented.
Oh your golden girls ... such lolly, happy girls!
One does wonder about all those lives, theirs hopes and dreams, their end ... one wonders.
The term breakneck always reminds me of this poem:
Carolyn: The girls look just lovely as they recover from their golden walk.
What a wonderful post....happy birthday to your dear daughter.....
what a magical place the cemetry is.....so very beautiful, I am sure they slumber there in utter peace........
I love your golden girls, they really are lovely dogs and are welcome to come play with Nella anytime.......
Have a lovely weekend........
We're finally getting rain, too--yippee!
It's tough to be far from wonderful daughters, isn't it?
I am so glad for instant messaging, email and Vonage phones. With these ways, we communicate almost daily with our daughter (who is in London, UK).
Happy birthday to yours.
I love that name... Vaden. Yes, it does make you wonder what life must have been like for early settlers. Your girls look beautiful as usual. A belated Happy Birthday to your daughter!
You can tell from those long tongues hanging out that a good time was had by all!
I miss my two daughters who are away from home terribly. The old cemetery looks very interesting and full of interesting (untold) history. That old stone is in great shape. Your dogs go well with autumn.
Hope your daughter had a nice birthday!! I think that grave stone is in amazingly good shape for being so old! LOVE LOVE LOVE your doggies!
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