I noticed something strange about a hummingbird that has been hanging around our feeders the last several days. I'm not certain whether it is an immature male or a female. At any rate, when I first glanced at it, I saw an abnormality in the neck. It almost looks as if there has been a band or something around it. I've since looked closely with the binoculars, and there is a distinct division of feathers on the back of the neck.

I have no idea what caused the strange appearance, but it doesn't seem to bother the bird at all. It flies normally, perches in the trees, and sips nectar from the feeder and the flowers. It also engages in some typical hummingbird aggression.
No doubt there are as many variations in birds within the realm of "normal" as there are variations in humans. That's one of the things that makes backyard birding so interesting.
Great captures! I think I see what you mean about the back of its neck.
I love hummingbirds and your photos are wonderful! Grats on the rain too!!
It looks like it had a bad feather day.
Hmmm... who knows what that might be, but glad it does not seem to be bothered by being "different." :c)
Very nice shots. I have to admit I can't see the "uniqueness" - but I take your word for it....just keep the nectar flowing.
NC: What a wonderful capture, I love hummers but they move so fast. I guess I should get a feeder if I want a picture. They are coming to the hanging Fucsia baskets on the front porch but hard to photograph them.
Hello !
Très jolies photos !
L'abat-jour appartient à Ta maison ?
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