Sliding Rock is a cascade in Pisgah
National Forest, in Transylvania County. Unlike the other waterfalls in Western NC, Sliding Rock is a fee area ($1.00/person). The fee is to pay for bath houses, restrooms, and life guards. When I went there as a child, there were no amenities.
Sliding Rock has a 60 foot slope, cascading to an 8-foot pool at the bottom. It is heavily visited during the summer months by tourists and locals alike. Where else can you have this much fun for a dollar a person?
This little guy starts his slide.
He's in the middle of the slide and still upright.
He reaches the bottom and swims to the side.
Teenage girls do everything in pairs.
Still holding hands, they slide to the bottom.
This shot was taken when the facilities were closed.Sliding Rock is located on Davidson River and the water level is much lower than normal because of our drought. However, there is still enough water to make this natural waterslide a fun thing. The water is very cold and the plunge into the pool takes your breath away.
That looks like such fun on a hot day. I don't think I'd take the plunge but I'll bet it's fun to just watch.
I think I'll pass and let the younger (or more adventuresome) set participate.
Looks like a blast! I've had my own little slides in creeks this past week. Unfortunately, they were both accidental and one cost me my favorite lens which is going in for repair(she says hopefully) tomorrow.
Oh my god... that looks like so much fun!
How fun Carolyn!
My son went to Camp Ridgecrest near Ashville every summer, and they always went to siding rock - he loved it, so now I can see why.
That looks like a great thing to do on a hot day. It was as if it was made specifically for this purpose.
Definitely worth the dollar! Looks like fun!
So worth a dollar. Looks like a great spot.
What fun! And inexpensive!
Lynne - It is fun to watch. I'm amazed at how small some of the little ones are.
Donna - Yes, I took a pass as well.
Michele - I read about your slide in the creek. Hope the lens is mendable.
Laura - The folks doing the sliding always want to go again.
Jayne - I remember how much fun it was when I was a child. But when my own children were small, I let my husband slide with them. That water is REALLY cold.
Helen - Yes, Sliding Rock is really crowded later in the week when the nearby camps come there for a day of fun. We were there on a Monday.
Science guy - I often wonder if early settlers had fun at the cascade.
Shelley - Definitely. I would have paid more than that when I was a child. We had to strip behind a tree or ride home wet.
Cicero - People are surprisingly friendly and cooperative. Of course the lifeguards are there to keep order.
Kerri - Not only is it fun, it really exhausts the children. Mine always slept all the way home.
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