Friday, March 20, 2009

Fridays are Golden

It has been recommended that people not let dropped seeds accumulate in one area because that may allow for transmission of diseases. My husband regularly takes a leaf blower to disperse all the seeds on the ground under the feeders. The girls love to be out with him as he blows the seeds into the woods.

I like this picture of Lucy jumping up into the air because it appears she has been blown by the leaf blower. Not true. She has a stick in her mouth and is trying to get it positioned better.

I got it! I got it!

Oops! In her attempt to get a better grip on the stick, she has lost it. You will note there is a bigger and better stick right in front of her, but that's not the stick she wants.

I lost it! I lost it!

Lucy brought the little stick to my husband and is waiting for him to throw it for her.

All right, already. Are you going to throw it or not?

When Ellie's turn comes, she is poised and ready to run in any direction.

I just love chasing sticks!

The nearby trees are filled with golden hair. The Golden Girls are happy to share their wonderful soft hair with the birds. Almost every bird nest we find is lined with the golden hair.

We are having house guests this weekend. My husband's first response was, "Does that mean I might have to miss some of the NCAA Tournament?" Our guests will be bringing their 8-year-old male Springer Spaniel with them. The girls have never had another dog in the house before. It will be interesting to see how they interact.

I hope you all have a wonderful and fun-filled weekend. I wish it were possible for everyone's team to advance in the tournament. Take care and stay safe.


Cedar ... said...

Happy Friday to the beautiful Golden Girls!

troutbirder said...

Fetch is one of our favorite games too. Unfortunately, it causes big trouble when Baron gets to come in the house and tries to retrieve the kitty.

Coffee with Cathy said...

What a precious dog! Thanks so much for sharing these pics. Have a great weekend -- with both company and basketball!

Dog_geek said...

Fun Golden Friday pictures! I hope the girls enjoy their houseguest. We are all about March Madness at our house (but I'm guessing that you probably aren't really hoping for my team to advance!)

Carol Murdock said...

Carolyn....I can tell Lucy and Ellie are as excited about Spring as I am!

Unknown said...

What gorgeous pictures! Your pups look like they have spun gold for fur!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That's a great idea--using the leaf blower under the feeders. I rake ours---but the blower would do so much better. Thanks!!!

Great pictures of your Goldens. Glad they can share their golden hair with the birds..

Have a great weekend with friends. Good luck with a 3rd dog in the house.


Anonymous said...

Your post and pictures made me smile. What a nice way to end the work week. Thank you!

Cheryl said...

Lucy and Ellie always make my Fridays......they have such sweet natures and your captures of them are so enchanting....

I love the hair in the tree and the thought of the birds lining their charming....

I am sure your lovely dogs will welcome springer spaniel....I cannot imagine them being anything other than wonderful hosts.....

Enjoyyour weekend......

wildcatwoods said...

Looks like the girls are having lots of fun. We will all be watching the games this weekend! Happy Spring.

golddog said...

The girls are so polite, I'm sure they will enjoy the house guest. Have a great week

robin andrea said...

Your golden girls are very lovely. I've often fantasized that if I were to ever get a dog, it would be a beautiful golden girl.

I like the idea of blowing the seeds out from under the feeder. It will really help keep down disease. I used to rake it around, but I like this much better.

Thistlebrooms said...

Right back at ya...
Happy First Day of Spring...It's only 24 degrees out here tonight but the daylight will bring the warmth...

Give your girls a hug for me, they look just delightful & seem NOT to miss the Snow at all...

My Best...

Robin's Nesting Place said...

Your Goldens are so gorgeous! We share Lilly's hair with the birds too. I usually put it in a suet feeder but sometimes I leave it on the ground. It's fun to watch them collect it; sometimes the clump of hair is as big as the bird.

Kim said...

Love the photos! The first one is so cute!!! It is so fun to watch them behave as puppies.

There are going to be quite a few comfy birds this spring with that beautiful fur of theres.

Jayne said...

I love the thought of seeing all that beautiful golden hair lining so many nests. That just makes me smile so broadly. Hope all your teams advance and that you all have a great weekend Carolyn.

Rose said...

The Golden Girls are absolutely beautiful! Our Sophie may only be 4 months old, but she loves playing with sticks already. I just wish I could train her to pick up all the sticks in my yard:)
I love the golden hair in the trees; the birds obviously enjoy the Girls as well.

I would wish your team luck in the NCAA tournament, but being from Illinois that's a little hard to swallow--but maybe you're a Duke fan?:) The Illini lost in a very disappointing performance in the first round; I'll be rooting on Michigan State or Purdue the rest of the way.

Jane said...

It looks like a good time was had by everyone!


laurie said...

i think i love lucy. she looks like my old toby.

eager to hear how they did with the springer.

George said...

Great pictures of Lucy and Ellie. It's nice to hear that they enjoy the outdoors so much that they share their hair with the birds. Their hair should make a nice soft nest.

Margaret Cloud said...

I like your two Golden Girls as you call them, they are so pretty. I never thought of putting the dogs fur that I comb out in bushes for the birds.

Dawn Fine said...

Love your beautiful Goldens...I am surprised they like that leaf sisters dogs bark at it.
Have fun this weekend...
Now i am going to catch up on the rest of your blog.

cedrorum said...

Your husband needs DVR. We rarely watch TV anymore when something is actually on. You get real used to fast forwarding through commercials. I like that the dog hair is getting recycled.

NCmountainwoman said...

Thanks, everyone.

Troutbirder - Our dogs dogs love the fetch part, but are not so good with the retrieve. They tend to drop the stick and look for us to throw another one.

Dog geek and Rose - It's the UNC TarHeels all the way at our house.

Betsy - The blower works very well and takes only a few minutes. It really scatters the seeds down through the woods.

Cedrorum - Oh, we have a DVR. That's not nearly good enough. We have the satellite subscription that allows my husband to have four games on the screen at once. He has to see them live.

Valerie Cummings said...

Golden Girls!! You are so beautiful! Hugs, Joey and Kealani