This is about as close as he has come to the female before she flies away. She is in the upper right corner, trying to look nonchalant.
He is in the lower left corner, trying to look beautiful.
I think he is quite handsome.

She seems less impressed.
Much as I love the bird activity, there is one thing I love even better about spring. The days are getting longer by minutes rather than milliseconds. Oh, it does a body good!
Beautiful, Carolyn.. They are some of my fav's. On Saturday, when I was outside working in the yard, a couple of MALES were above my head "Chipping"... Then I saw them both again yesterday. I don't know which of them will 'win' the lady!!!!
This morning a male Towhee was outside my computer room window singing "Drink Your Teeeeeehhheehheee". Do you have Towhees?
Have a great day.
Nice cardinal photos! I'm totally loving the lengthening of the days - whee!
I just Love listening to them 'chirp' before the Sun comes up...Their usually so cautious of their surroundings they leave on a moments notice...(To another branch and watch me from there!!!) Never too far from the Bird Feeder!!!
Lovely Photo's Carolyn...
My Best...Marilyn
Love your photo captions! Wonder how that saga turned out?
Love your photo captions! Wonder how that saga turned out?
Hi are so clever with your words, they fit the photographs perfectly....
The cardinals are so beautiful....and I love Mrs Cardinal....I like her style.....
Like you the longer days are a delight....we must enjoy them......they seem to pass too quickly these days!!
Mrs. Cardinal has that "do you mind?" look on her face.
These are so breathtaking. I feel Spring now that I have visited you and seen all of this beauty....m..
They are gorgeous Carolyn! We have about four pairs that come out back to the feeders every evening as the sun goes down and I love to sit and watch them!
LOL at your beautiful cardinal couple! I think that female is playing hard to get!
He is most definitely a handsome guy. He will win in the end..she will be la la for him!! lol
my cardinals have really been singing up a storm also! Love these photos!
Great photos of the cardinals! And I'm like you, I love the longer days now (still trying to adjust to the morning hours though...may never!)
I think I am becoming a bird watcher (o: Love seeing them on your blog anyway.
They are beautiful. You really captured their personilities.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
The longer days are a balm to my soul as well Carolyn. I love that even in the dark mornings now, there is a hint of the sunrise on the horizon. Soon, we'll be still outside at 9PM! :c)
Cardinals make such a lovely show in the spring. I hope they will nest in our yard again this year, although last year's nest blew down in the winter.
Don't give up hope Mr. Cardinal. She just likes to tease.
I too LOVE the longer days. It is always a toss up as to which season I like best, spring or fall. Fall has one thing going against it and that is the shortening days.
We saw a flock of robins, for the first time, on Sunday.
I saw two male robins duking it out this morning -- I'm sure the object of their affections was nearby watching. Ah, love!
The last photo and your caption made me laugh. I'm enjoying the longer days as well. :)
Wow! What beautiful birds!! We really enjoy your pictures! Hugs Joey and Kealani
Yes - longer days. I'm with you!
Your cardinal pictures are beautiful! I love watching them.
I'm also lovin' the longer days with more daylight!
Thanks for commenting, everyone.
Betsy - Yes, we do have Towhees. We have one that comes on the deck every afternoon about the same time. I love hearing his song.
Cedar - I suspect she finally gave him approval.
Van - Thanks for dropping by.
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