One of our blogger buddies has epilepsy and still manages to bring us lovely photographs. Drop by Michele's blog "Rocky Mountain Retreat" http://chunkymountains.blogspot.com/ and show support for her and her wonderful photographs. She is definitely an inspiration to all of us.
To learn more about epilepsy and related disorders, go to http://www.epilepsy.com/epilepsy/main_epilepsy, or http://www.epilepsyoutreach.org/
Nice post on spreading the word!
Michele's photographs are as amazing as her!
Thanks for spreading the word on Purple Day.
wow, we're thinking alike! i did a post today too and featured Purple Day and Michele. She's quite a gal, ... amazing!
It is wonderful to spread the word.....my friend's six year old son suffers with epilepsy......
Thanks for your Epilepsy Awareness post. Michele deserves a lot of credit for the way she handles her life.
An Arkies Musings
Thanks for the info, and I will go check out her blog (o:
Glad you're Thursday blogging! So wonderful so many of us honored lovely Michele...she's so very deserving.
Thanks for spreading awareness! I had no idea about purple day!
Thank you! I cannot tell you how much this really means to me and to all of those that are affected with Epilepsy and other seizure disorders.
A beautiful support for Purple Day, and I very much appreciate it!!
Many hugs to you, my friend!♥
Carolyn: Thanks so much for sharing Michele with your friends.
Great post! My closest experience with epilepsy was that one of my dogs had it. It's common for epilepsy to emerge in middle aged male labradors.
We were very lucky because his disorder was controlled by medication and by figuring out that playing with tennis balls almost always triggered seizures. If it wasn't such a serious disease, the tennis ball trigger might've made me laugh because it seemed like an extreme form of labrador retrieving mania.
Fortunately, his disease disappeared in his old age, and we were able to stop the medications (and their side-effects). He lived to be almost 16 years old - a very old age for a Lab. I still miss him.
Thank you for letting us know.
It is a bit late for me now, but awareness has no time limit, right?
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