A chickadee comes along and she seems all right with that as well.

But truth be told, I think she is most happy when she has total control of the feeder. She looked at me as if to say, "I told you I would share. Now can I eat in peace?"
Wednesday brings us April Fool's Day. Lots of people love to play pranks, and some of the worst are almost certain to be computer viruses and worms.
----------Before midnight tomorrow night, make certain your computer is protected. A firewall does no good if it is not turn on.
----------If you do not automatically update your virus protection and spyware, go to their respective Websites and install the latest updates.
----------If you use Microsoft Operating System and Windows or Vista, make certain you have downloaded and installed the most recent updates.
----------Run your virus protection and spyware detection programs late Tuesday and make certain they are on your start up to run when you turn on your computer Wednesday morning.
----------In spite of your careful measures, you may still get infected. One method that is gaining in popularity and notoriety is through Face Book. The offenders send worms after hacking into Face Book pages. The worm is sent to all "friends" who open the message and have their computers infected. The worm tracks passwords and grabs credit card numbers. It goes without saying that you need to check your accounts regularly.
Hopefully the day will pass with only the simplest of April Fool jokes played on you.
BTW: your shoe's untied.
Thanks for the advice. I had no idea that April Fool's day was a big one for computer viruses. I'll back things up etc. Using a Mac helps - I've had only one virus in my long computer lifetime but I'll be careful.
I continue to love your bird photos! Great ones of the cardinal.
Greetings to Mrs. Cardinal! And good words of wisdom regarding the April Fools computer threats. yesterday I downloaded the latest total Internet Security from Norton. And i deleted my not-so-thorough off-brand system I'd been using. Now i'll cross my fingers and toes!
Thanks for the warning! I have Facebook, and do have concerns about this issue. I have a friend who sent a warning about on-line banking today too.
Thanks for the advise. I didn't know that April Fool's day could cause such a hassle.
I always love seeing the photos of the cardinals there. We don't get to see them out west. Such beautiful birds.
I read about that computer virus. Good to be reminded and take precautions.
Cardinals are not the best sharers in the birding world, are they? Thanks for all the computer warnings, AND, how 'bout our Heels!!! Final Four bound! Woo-hoo!!!
Thanks for the reminder about April Fools, Carolyn. You are so right.. This is the time the idiots will do whatever they can to destroy one's computer.
Love your Cardinal... She's a fatty, isn't she???? Wonder if she's mad because she hasn't met the 'man of her dreams' this spring so far????? ha
I love your bird posts....though not as much as the golden girls, of course...
Tks for all the info regarding Apr 1st.....your a gem......
As a matter of fact, on 60 Minutes last night, they had the story on the Conficker worm and said that it's been programmed to do SOMETHING on April 1st. Scary, scary stuff.
You can see the video of the story at:
I am not sure any of us is truly safe anymore.
Thanks for the "heads-up" Carolyn. I had no idea that April 1st was a special day for computer viruses.
My cardinals don't tolerate many other birds at the same time either, but house finches are usually allowed.
Chickadees are such pretty birds!
Thank you for the advice!!
Mrs. Cardinal is a beautiful sweetie! My female isn't so nice - she especially dislikes the sparrows. Thank you for all the security reminders - great info!!
Two of D's sisters were here today, telling us about the danger of an April Fools virus. We have Macs so that may help us. But I'll back up ... just to be sure!
Good advice about April Fools.I will try to stay off the computer and update my anti-virus programs. Cardinals do always seem to want to be first and last of the day at the feeders. Nice female cardinal photo.
Thanks for the reminder. My computer does all that automatically, but still good advise.
Love Ms. Cardinal, she sure looks comfortable there.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
Good thinking about the virus stuff.
Your pictures are spectacular!
The cardinals at our feeders seem to be almost shy. I wonder why your cardinals have an attitude?
Thanks for the reminder about the possibility of April Fool's computer viruses.
I heard about this computer worm and hope it is just an April Fools joke. But we have to take things seriously every day with computers. You are observant to note that female cardinals are more aggressive than males. Now that I think about it, it is true.
That is really good advice.Thanks !! have a great day tomorrow...m...
Carolyn: What neat photos of the female cardinal, she is so dark compared with the ones I see.
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