After many years of suburban flower gardens, we opted not to have daffodils, tulips, or other bulbs. We do not plant annuals, although we do have several baskets on the deck and on the porch. That said, I'm in love with camellias. Native to southeastern Asia, these plants thrive in the southern US. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous and they bloom early in the spring. When not blooming, the green plants fit in well with the native ones.
So we have several camellias in our yard. This year they were all full of very large buds. Too soon it appears, because we had a heavy frost and several days of very cold weather. I was very disappointed to see the large buds turning brown and drooping their heads in sorrow. Much to my surprise, a few of the buds continued to grow and we have a few camellia blossoms. Not many, but still enough to enjoy.

I love Camellas, Carolyn.. I also love their green leaves/plant. Such a beautiful flower!!! Glad some of them bloomed for you.
In 2007, we had a horrible freeze the first of April. It destroyed almost all of our Spring flowers/trees. Even the dogwoods and redbuds turned brown. It was the saddest thing to see. We lost leaves on all 4 of our Holly bushes. They are coming back--but slowly.
Hope that doesn't happen this year. But in 2007, we had had an extremely warm March--so many more things wre blooming and budding by now. This year, it's been cooler --so we don't have much budding/blooming yet.
That being said, I am definitely READY for spring and warmer temps.
Have a great day.
Lovey camellias ... I'm glad a few survived the cold.
Like Betsy said, it is a late-r spring here ... who knows when we'll see a flower.
We have to plant all cold hardy plants. I usually stick to zone 3 though we are between and 3 and a 4 here. One never knows when a knock out winter will blow through.
Pretty flowers... I've never tried camellias.
we're unable to grow them this far north, so your photos were a treat for me. thanks!
Being from the deep south, I grew up with Camellas but was never able to grow them in Tennessee.
They bloom all winter here and are gone by mid-spring.
What beautiful flowers! I am so glad some of them survived. I so long to see flowers but don't think I will anytime soon. We just had a snow shower! :o(
Beautiful Camellas. In a deep sense of time, maybe they "belong" in NC--much like the ginseng that evolved long before the continents split, and is now found both in Appalachia and China.
The camelias are breathtakingly lovely.
As I returned home yesterday, I flew from Louisville to Charlotte, right over the Smokey Mountains. Of course, I don't know where you live except somewhere down below. It was beautiful.
You are fortunate.
These are beautiful flowers. No way they'd survive our Erie weather so I'm glad you are able to enjoy them.
Oh, I love the flowers! That is one of the things that I love about Spring...all the beautiful flowers!
Thanks for sharing!
Same thing happened here Carolyn. It was full of blooms and then they all got bit by the frost. :c( I've not look closely to see if any survived and are struggling to bloom. I love the beautiful flowers of the camellia.
Aw, I'm sorry that you lost most of your blooms, but it is nice that a few survived to give you a taste and keep you looking forward to next year! They are lovely!
i saw camellias for the first time one late january when i was doing a talk in raleigh, n.c. i left the snow of minnesota and emerged into green north carolina; daffodils were blooming (though locals told me it was very very early for them).
and i took a walk around the downtown and saw camellias blooming outside of a church.
beautiful beyond belief.
Beautiful camellias...and you are so right about the thrill of waiting to see what spring will one's plantings?? I'm glad that some of these gorgeous flowers survived the cold are now giving you some color and a feeling of spring!!
Thanks, everyone.
Betsy - We had the same horrible freeze (know around here as the "Easter Freeze") It killed most of the apple blossoms and we had very few apples that year.
Carol - You are lucky to have them around so long. We love them when we visit "down south" in the winter.
Donna - Isn't that a lovely view from the air?
One of the wonderful things about nature is that it has a way of coming back. In spite of your heavy frost you have some beautiful camellia blossoms. Hopefully you'll have many more next Spring.
These are so pretty. I wish they would grow here, but just too cold.
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