Monday, January 19, 2009


We had a little bit of snow Sunday morning. Not much...just enough to lightly cover the ground and trees. It was gone by 9:00.

Here is the female Pileated grabbing some suet. You can see bits of snow on the suet feeder.

Notice the thin coating of snow on the branches of the nearby trees. That was all the snow we got.

She really digs in, making a hole in the suet.

The little Pine Siskins appeared to be very cold. They really ruffled their feathers in order to keep warm.

The big question is this: why in the world do they sit on the high deck railing totally exposed to the cold wind? There are plenty of pine trees that would offer some shelter. Why not choose them? Aren't they called PINE Siskins?

If you are having a holiday from work today, I so hope you enjoy it. If not, I hope you have a good day at work. And if you are retired, I already know it will be a good day.


Cedar ... said...

Wonderful shots of the woodpecker! I have seen one here but never that close. Usually just catch a glimpse of it on a tree in the edge of the woods. I think the siskens are just waiting to gobble up the birdseed. Which reminds me,.. time to fill my own bird feeder!

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful as always! The Pileated just takes my breath away!

Kim said...

Love your pictures. I come here for my Pileated fix!

Shelley said...

I just love looking at that Pileated! They always fly away from me as soon as I pick up my camera! Loved thos pinesiskins - they are so puffed up into a round ball that I'm surprise they don't roll off!

Carol Murdock said...

Beautiful photos Carolyn.....
Yes, it is a good day!

George said...

All of these pictures are great, Carolyn. We've gotten a little snow here in Tennessee so Betsy is very happy.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you got some snow yesterday, Carolyn. We only got freezing rain and black ice yesterday (actually the night before). Today though we are getting SNOW... Love it!!!
Love your Pileated. Our Pine Siskins are eating like crazy today--I guess they are trying to keep warm!!!! Looks like you took your blow dryer to yours!!! I know how much you love them. ha

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

I'm always happy to see pictures of your Pileated Woodpeckers. They are special birds. Do you think the Pine Siskins were trying to soak up a bit of warmthe from winter's weak sun? It's funny to see them so fluffy. Ususally they are sleek little things.

The Birdlady said...

The pileated is gorgeous, and I love the fluffy pine siskins.

Anonymous said...

The pileateds are really big! I am always surprised by the shear mass of them.

Ruth said...

I love that first fluffy Pine Siskin. There are more around here now, but no greedy crowds.

Vickie said...

What an incredible opportunity to watch a pileated woodpecker. Next on my list is one of those extended suet feeders. I love the pine siskin photos. I haven't seen them so fluffed up. Looks like you were really having some wind.

Jayne said...

I just can't get over how cool it is to see that Pileated at your suet feeder Carolyn! :c)

troutbirder said...

You are so lucky to have pileateds like you do. There are a true rarity here.

Dog_geek said...

Nice shots - what fluffy little siskins! I'm happy to report that I finally had my first pileated sighting last week. It wasn't at my feeders, but was close, at least. I couldn't tell the gender from that distance, but it was so good to see one and know for sure that they are still around!

Tina said...

Nice pictures of that pileated wp! Would love to see one someday!! Your siskin photos are absolutely too cute! Such puff balls!

Cheryl said...

Lovely bird shots....I do love your woodpecker, obviously a regualar visitor.

The last photograph of the pine siskin is strange......and you would think he would prefer the pines!!

Janie said...

Beautiful bird shots, especially the woodpeckers. The siskens do look cold!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

What sweet little photos of the siskins.....maybe they are telling you that they need a birdhouse :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carolyn: Wonderful shots of the woodpecker and the siskins. I guess if they want to be near the food they can puff themselves up and brave the cold.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful pictures! I'm jealous. I need to watch my feeders more often. I think I'm missing something!

mon@rch said...

Siskins and Pileateds . . . how wonderful!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Oh what a treat to see these lovely bird shots. Birds are such a part of winter. Right now, our attic is full of birds. We can hear them flutter, coo, and bang and thrash up there. We have a big birdhouse this year, I guess.

Dawn Fine said...

I love your Pileated shots... i took a few the other day...not nearly as nice as yours...
and the siskins..I have never seen them so puffy...little puff balls..

Anonymous said...

Great photos! I just found your blog today. I shall return!