People often ask us how we keep our two dogs looking so silky all the time. There are couple of answers to that question. First of all, they get a balanced and nutritious diet of a high quality dog food. The dog food is supplemented with olive oil to make certain they have sufficient fatty acids. (We give them one teaspoonful three times a week over their dry food.) Secondly, they get plenty of exercise with free running almost every day. Finally, we groom them regularly. They are brushed at least every other day (preferably daily), teeth are brushed several times a week, ears cleansed twice a week, pawpad hair and nails clipped monthly.
We are fortunate to have a special room in which to groom them. http://ncmountainwoman.blogspot.com/2008/05/fridays-are-golden_30.html
We always groom Ellie first. Her hair is thicker and longer and she takes more time. But that doesn't stop Lucy from hopping up on the grooming table.

Grooming begins with a wonderful de-shedding tool called the Furminator. It removes the dead hair, especially from the undercoat.

We use the Furminator on the top and sides of the dog. A different undercoat comb is used for her underside and the feathering on her hips.

The Furminator is really good for getting that hair under the ears and the chest hair.

Ellie hates to have her tail combed. It is so feathery that it takes a while.

Ellie is very patient, but looks around to see if my husband is almost finished with her tail.

We cleanse her ears with an astringent. Floppy-eared dogs are prone to yeast or bacterial infections, so a good cleansing is a necessary preventative.

When she hears the click of Ellie's collar, Lucy knows Ellie is done and it is her turn. She hops up on the table.
Gee, Mom. Don't I already look glamorous? So we don't need to groom me today, do we?
Yes, Lucy. Look at your ears and the feathering on your legs. You don't want to get any matting, do you?
It is indeed a golden Friday here in western NC. The sun is shining brightly through the branches. January is practically over and it's only four weeks until March. Wherever you are, I hope you are doing well. Our thoughts are with our northern and mid-western friends who have suffered yet another ice storm and power loss. Be careful on those roads.
Have a wonderful weekend, full of love and happiness.
Wow,... a professional grooming table! The girls look beautiful every Friday, and now I know why. Love their smiles, they must know how nice they look!
Me too--WOW. I wish my one dog were half as patient as your two.
I try to groom my girl (half border collie) but she snarls and just hates it. So I trick her--a few brushes--lots of GOOD GIRL--and then a few more brushes.
I've heard such good things about the furnimator, I'm tempted to buy one. My guys don't need much grooming, though. We do nails once a week, and I comb Z out a few times a week just because he loves it so much, even though he doesn't really need it. I comb L once in a blue moon, but rarely get much hair out of him.
They sure do look nice!!
Wow Carolyn. I'm impressed.. You all have the perfect set-up for the ultimate care of your goldens. Many, many people own dogs--and don't take very good care of them. Inside dogs 'have' to be treated like your children --in every way. Whether it's discipline/rules/boundaries or plain ole' cleanliness --like baths, etc.-- somehow most people don't do this.
I've been in homes where the dogs totally STINK.. I knew a woman who had a dog with bad breath. That poor puppy needed some teeth work done--such as brushing his teeth.
You set a good example of what it takes to have beautiful dogs... I hope people LEARN from you.
What a lovely grooming table ... my sister would be jealous!
That last picture of Lucy is an absolute hoot! What a look! What a stance!
No wonder the girls always look so glamorous. Enjoy your beautiful Friday -- it sounds as if another storm may be heading our way.
I am in awe over your set up!!
I always wondered what you did to give your dogs such shiny, beautiful fur. I figured you must have religiously groomed them, and think the olive oil is a great idea!
That truly is a labor of love. Your dogs must love it! Good for you.
They are beautiful dogs and that is down to you and yours.....
I am always so pleased to come here and see how much they mean to you.
I understand the ear issue...I have owned many spaniels and they have the same problem. I used to clean their ears regularly, to prevent any infection. It worked.
Thank you for sharing your Ellie and Lucy....I almost feel that they are part of my life now......
Have a wonderful weekend with your golden girls.....
I always have reason to laugh when I come here on Fridays. You brush their teeth three times a week? You put me to SHAME. Both of my dogs hate grooming, too. OH, the shame, shame, shame :o)
Their calm obedience just amazes me at times Carolyn. I love how they are both just so expressive without words. They are very loved members of your family... that much is so obvious. Have a beautiful weekend. :c)
that is one cool grooming area! i have to admit i don't have the patience for grooming, i brush my dogs but take them to a professional for major groom....beautiful goldens!
Two very happy beautiful dogs. Their face expressions says it all. Happy, happy, happy. You and your husband are well loved.
your dogs are so gorgeous. and except for the shape of the head, they look a lot like my old toby.
boscoe won't let me groom his back end anymore. (which is the part that needs it the most.) his legs are so weak and tender he sits down when i try.
i think it must hurt him. .
Very nice. It looks like the girls really enjoy it. I have trouble with Barons tail. Not sure why. Maybe he thinks I'm doing some "inappropriate touching".
OK, I'm impressed! What a great grooming area! I bet you don't have the shedding problem that I do. Lilly's coat is sadly neglected during the freezing weather. You can tell that your beautiful dogs love to be groomed.
You've inspired me to be more diligent with Lilly's care.
Ellie and Lucy are very lucky dogs! (and beautiful too!)
I am thoroughly impressed with your loving care of those beautiful girls. I guess I have seen more matted goldens than groomed ones, and it's such a pleasure to see a dog who looks cared for. Chet Baker wants the girls to know that he loves to be brushed, even though he never needs it!
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