I was "tagged" by Cedar (
http://adirondackview.blogspot.com/) to look into my fifth photo folder and pull out the fifth picture for this post. The fifth folder turned out to be "Hummingfight," containing lots of photographs of a couple of dueling hummingbirds I witnessed last fall. The fifth photo in the folder is "fghthum 005." In this photograph, the birds are not engaged, but you can almost see from the expression of the bird on the left that things are not going to go well. This picture was not used in the post, but you can see the ones that were used by going to the September post about the fight. (

It seems a long time since we have seen hummingbirds, doesn't it? This morning we have a little bit of snow and our colder-than-normal weather continues.
Thank goodness we have our photographs to remind us of lovely fall days and migrating birds.
I never tag others, so if you have a yen, pull up your folders and look at the fifth one. At the very least, it might bring up some good memories. At best, you might post it for us.
we have 2 things in common...from wisconsin and love goldens! visit my blog and scroll to bottom to see my pack! lovely blog, so glad i found you!
Oh, to see hummingbirds again! We witnessed many 'fights' last year but we could never get any pictures. You've got a good capture here and thanks for sharing.
Great photo - I remember when you posted pics of the dueling hummingbirds. It seems so long ago now, with the cold temps and sleet falling as I write!
Oh Hummingbirds.. I can't wait 'til spring.. We have 3 feeders and those little boogers are protective of each one of them.. Great 'tag' picture, Carolyn.
No Snow here--but we had freezing rain last night. Yuk!!!
ahh such a nice summer and warm summer shot to view today. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing that photo! And I like how you invite people to participate rather than "tag"... I think I'll take that approach in the future. Thanks again!
Can someone explain this tagged, thing for me. Is still don't quite get it. Sorry.
Nice hummer shot!
I love listening to the hummers fight it out as they buzz after each other through the yard. I swear they're going to run into a tree (or me) sometimes! Can't wait 'til spring!
That's an interesting tag. I took a peek... photo of the hot coals in our woodstove. Didn't come out that well.
While the east coast is having cold weather, we're having very warm weather in Colorado. So, your beautiful photo fit into my state of mind. I'm having springtime hallucinations!
Gosh, 5th folder? Here's the thing: I got a wonderful, glitzy new laptop and am starting to use Lightroom, so I've been importing photos onto an external HD. I'm going backwards, and have done 08, 07, 06, and o5, and have 34000, even trying to delete some as I go! CRAZY!
Photos do help us through--when there are no flowers outside, few birds, little sun, no greenery.
Love the look on the little hummer's face--this is MY drinking spot.
Nice to see your beautiful hummingbirds - they seem like magical angels to me!
kks - Thanks for dropping by. I love your dogs and will look forward to visiting your blog often.
George - It does seem a long time since we've seen them, doesn't it?
Dog geek - Yes, it's always sad when the last week goes by without a hummingbird sighting.
Betsy - We had a dusting of snow this morning...much more in the higher elevations.
Tina - I love to go back and look at summer pictures during the winter.
Cedar - I don't ever mind being "tagged." Sometimes I don't play the game, but usually it's a fun one. I lucked out with this one.
Science guy - I think the "tag" games were started to learn more about fellow bloggers. Most often they are to list certain things about yourself. Sometimes they are quite interesting. I never really play the game, since I never tag anyone else.
Dawn - Thanks. And it really was the fifth picture of the fifth folder.
Michele - I've been "buzzed" by them myself. Amazing how they can maneuver.
Karen - Hot coals would look pretty inviting during these cold days.
KB - Just a touch of warmth during the winter makes us all think spring.
Helen - I had the same thoughts. So I used the folders still on my laptop and not moved to the external hard drive. As you can tell, I'm a bit behind in my photo housecleaning.
Donna - I do love digital photography. I often get a yen to see some spring flowers or fall color. With the pictures, they are not so far away.
Shelley - Good description. I had an opportunity to hold a stunned hummingbird in my hand, feeling his little heart thumping. It was like a miracle. He gave me an appreciative look at flew away. It was a magical moment.
Carolyn, in 7 weeks, we will hang our hummingbird feeders!
That is what was most fun about this meme... seeing photos we'd otherwise not see, and usually beautiful ones like this to remind us this winter will end. :c)
Carolyn: That is a wonderful capture and a jem to get to post.
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