Monday, August 22, 2011

The Bare Facts

The gawkers outnumbered the protest participants by a huge margin.  The topless protest in Asheville drew an estimated two thousand people to downtown's Pack Square Park.  A relatively small number of topless women marched to the square along with a dozen or so men wearing bras or bikini tops.  They were not protesting to have laws changed, since neither Asheville nor North Carolina prohibits women from being topless in public.  The protest was re-designed to make women aware that they can go topless if they so desire and should feel comfortable doing so.  I did not go to Asheville for the protest but the local paper had some interesting photographs in its Online version.  The following photographs were taken from their Internet site.

The weather was obligingly warm.

 Men and women joined together.  Many of the men wore bras.

I highly suspect that these young men strongly support women going topless.

 Young and old alike participated.

 I think this photograph explains exactly why so many people were gathered.

The event went without incident.  A few frustrated tourists were angry that the large crowd forced a closing of some of the downtown streets.

There was an interesting email to one of the newspaper's columnists.  A man who described himself as elderly, said he planned to attend the gathering.  As he said, it will be like a flower show...some will be budding, some will be in full blossom, and some will be hanging baskets.

I have no idea whether or not this protest will change the minds of many women.  On a personal note, I have no problem with people going topless unless they are preparing and serving my food.  (I know that might not make sense, but that's how I feel.)  But I can assure you that I will not be going topless, given that I am more closely aligned with the hanging baskets than the others.


Anonymous said...

I had no idea such an event happens in Asheville. Wow! I'm not much into public bare-breastedness, but I guess some people find it a very important statement. If only the voyeurs didn't creep me out so much, but they do.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I too am glad they all had a good time their in Asheville.
I am with you gal, I am the hanging basket!!! Not something I want to show!!
xx, Tinker & Fern

Jill said...

Wow! I did notice that all of the men had smiles on their faces... like dogs staring at a big meaty bone. Ha. On a beach maybe....just walking around town??? Don't think so. Just my opinion...Besides who can run with those things bouncing around? However I guess it is nice to have equal rights in something (just wish it were in other areas of life).

Folkways Note Book said...

Events like this seem rather exhibitionistic rather than truly fightly for some woman to go topless. I think they should have included men to go bottomless. I really could care less what someone does with their body, if it is treated as a natural way -- not some salivating crew of men with cameras -- it seemed sorta like a topless club without the building (or bar). I am glad that you posted this article as it makes me realize that women have a long way yet to go to gain equality.

My Mind's Eye said...

We're nearly wordless....
I love the elderly gentleman's comment.
I just hate to think of the out of state tourists' leaving the beautiful town of Asheville with this event on their minds. There is so much more there.
Madi and Mom

Ms. A said...

I'll just bet there were many supportive males!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am laughing so hard at the 'hanging basket' comment.
I really think this is just plain dumb. Like I said before, surely we could find some good volunteer work for these people with so much time on their hands. :)
Thanks for the update!

Taradharma said...

it occurred to me that the men look utterly ridiculous in those bra/bikini tops -- but then I thought, well, woman do too! I didn't realize there were towns where you could go topless (woman) and not get busted for indecent exposure.

This issue is dovetailing (for me) with the issue of breastfeeding in public, as my daughter is breastfeeding her baby boy. If we all didn't have such boob paranoia, neither one of this situations would be noteworthy. How nice would that be?

Rudee said...

I love the older gentleman's comments. I won't be baring all in NC, or anywhere else, either. I will say, I'm rather jealous over the hanging basket. I've got floppy fried eggs myself. I don't think I'd gather such a crowd if I were this brave.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I don't begrudge people the right to express themselves, clothed or not, it's not something I will be doing, except in the privacy of our own home. It was interesting to read that neither Ashville or NC ban topless women in public - who knew?

George said...

When I lived in Black Mountain we were always amazed at some of the things that went on in the big city. The comparison between the demonstration and a flower show is priceless.

Anonymous said...

I think the beach we go to has an ordinance against it. Topsail Beach is known for allowing nudity. Not sure if they allow it in the restaurant kitchen or not. :)

Elora said...

As my husband remarked, "Good points!"


Cheryl said...

Ha :) You are too funny sometimes.

I personally cannot bare :) nudity in public. I have suffered it but it does not rest easy with me.
It is those doing the looking that freak me out....yuk!!
not those showing their assets or otherwise.

Tipper said...

Oh my you made me laugh. I already knew about the protest-my father-n-law and husband have been making jokes about it all week-mostly about wanting to go : )

carolina nana said...

I think that whole thing was ridiculous and now some one is going to sue them for child abuse which is even more stupid. If you took your child to this topless protest then you would be guilty of child abuse not the topless women !!!
It appears some people definitely don't have anything to do.
I am with you on the hanging basket isle!!!

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

Me and my baskets agree with you. I can see why there were gawkers. In high school during lunch one day all the boys were running toward the exits telling the other guys, "There is a girl in the bakery without a bra on. The woman was just in the store buying, but the sidewalk was full of people of both sexes gawking in shock and curiosity. (1970) Seems strange to think of it now.
I also agree with you about the coons. I much prefer our local skunk who eats yellow jacket nests and grubs all night. raccoons are such a nuisance.

troutbirder said...

I'm with you on the serving food part. The first nose and tongue rings I saw was on a woman who was serving me food in a no name Montana cafe. She had a bad cold and was sniffling a lot while serving. It shaped my attitude for ever after.... :(

KB said...

Your dry sense of humor catches my funny bone every time. Great last line!

The photo of all the men taking photos was very funny too!

Wayfarin' Stranger said...

Too funny! And I loved the old man's email! Jim

Ginnie said...

Oh, lord, it takes a strong woman to go topless when they hit the "hanging basket" stage.

Vicki Lane said...

Ah, Asheville! It's quite a place, always something interesting going on...or coming off.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I know there are lots of places that have protests like this for different reasons--But I've never thought of it like a flower show, and had to chuckle at that comparison!

I'll be thinking of you as the hurricane blows up the east coast! They are forecasting winds and rain for us.

Akannie said...

Hello !!

I found your blog via Murrmurrs blog...

Having just left Hendersonville myself 6 years ago to return to the midwest, your name caught my eye and here I am. lol Small blog-world.

Love Brevard and the whole Belle Chere,...find it hysterically funny about the topless march.

Hanging baskets

KGMom said...

Huh--I missed this event in the news.
Oh well.
I don't mindless going topless in the privacy of my own home BUT--not me. I wouldn't be taking the air, so to speak.
Interesting that some women are so personally uninhibited.