The Golden Girls do not care for rain. I'm not certain why since they loved the rain in Wisconsin. While they don't care much for being out in the rain, Lucy loves watching the rain from inside the house.
She especially loves to watch the bird activity.

Or anything else she perceives to be moving on the deck. Even the raindrops themselves.

My husband took off their leashes when they came in from a brief walk. They flew down the driveway in the rain.

They stopped for a confrontation. They do this all the time. There's usually no clue as to how it starts or why it ends. It just is.

The fracus continued on both sides of the driveway. They seemed to be having quite a fun time.

This is how the girls spend most of their rainy days. As usual, Lucy plops on Ellie and uses her for a soft comfy pillow.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Touch base with neglected friends and family. And touch base with yourself as well by taking some time all to yourself.
It's been raining like crazy here too - the puppy and Z don't mind, but L doesn't like the wet ground. We are going for a good long hike this afternoon whether it is raining or not, so the puppy can burn some energy and hopefully give the other dogs a break tonight!
I love those snuggle pictures of your girls.
I addition to Palm Sunday, we also have a sending mass for our daughter (and other 10th graders) as our church sends them off for their Confirmation. Another step toward adulthood.
You have a good weekend too!
Your goldens warm my heart!
Your rain has been our snow. We've had about 2 ft in the past 8 days and up to another foot forecasted for this weekend. While I'm ready for spring, the Earth needs the water so I'm trying not to complain.
Your beloved birds and flowers will appreciate the rain!
I saw two mountain bluebirds busily working on their nest in a nestbox during a snowstorm! That's diligence.
Your wonderful golden girls start my weekend.....they make me smile and warm my heart......I feel as though they are the dogs next door.....
I also love the religious element that you have added today.....I follow a christian faith.......and my dear grandchildre go to a church school.....
May your weekend be full of sweet gentle rain......and a lot of peace and happiness......
Oh I LOVE your pictures of your goldens. I just put my soulmate golden down Feb 12th. My b-day is at the end of this month & I want to get a puppy for my b-day. With the pictures of your 2 snuggling together, it makes me want to get 2. But I am a 1 dog girl.
Your dogs look like they're a lot of fun! What will they be doing at 8:47 on Saturday night? Watching the Heels, of course!
Tell Lucy I said--I would use Ellie for a pillow too--she sure looks soft.
I wish I could speak dog so I would know what the spats are about!
I know I say it every week, but can't help myself. They are so cute!! I love the reflection photos and watching them play in the rain!
Hi Carolyn, I love your "Fridays are Golden" posts... We had some nice rain last night also, nothing severe, but just nice, steady rain. We need it also.
Love the photos especially the one with Lucy using Ellie as a pillow. What great sisters!!!!
We've had close to 6" in the last 10 days here on Chickadee! Yay! Everything is growing like crazy!
Love seeing the girls playing and plopping. :c)
Oh my goodness, what beautiful dogs. My dog does not like the rain, either, and sadly we've had a lot of it this week. Hopefully this weekend will be nice.
I hope the sunshine we're having today reaches you so the girls can be out and enjoy it. It's nice that Ellie is so good to allow Lucy to use her as a pillow.
Thanks for your final note.
Love, love. Gus and Waldo play bitey-face at least 4 times a day. It usually ends with them snuggling with each other. :)
Those girls are just precious Carolyn!
I love goldens...I had one and your photos bring back fond memories!
I always love your in motion goldie photos...
and the last two are precious.
have a wonderful weekend as well.
Sound words! Gundo sends love and sloppy kisses to the Golden Girls,
Thanks for commenting, everyone.
Lynne - Blessings to your daughter and her Confirmation class.
KB - I'm glad our water for Mother Earth is coming in the form of rain. My daughter says they are predicting snow for Milwaukee tonight!
Cyndee - I didn't think we were a two-dog family either. But it is been a joy. I'm so sorry about your Golden. Losing a dog is so hard. We have lost two dogs in our long marriage and each was so painful.
Dave - Hooty Hoot! We're going to the Finals!
I love seeing pictures of your golden girls.
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