The goats at Connemara are almost as famous as the place itself. Lilian Sandburg bred award-winning goats and the herd is still maintained.
Each spring we visit to see the new kids at Connemara. We went last week on an absolutely gorgeous spring day. It was such a nice day that we weren't even disappointed that only one kid had been born so far.
She is Bella, a Toggenburg goat and has quite a pedigree. She is a direct descendant of Jennifer, the champion milk-producer in America in her day. Jennifer averaged 2.5 gallons of milk every day and was the world-wide Toggenburg Champion goat. While the current goat herd is much smaller than Lilian Sandburg's, all the goats are descendants of Lilian's careful breeding. They are lovely.

This lovely doe is Bella's mother. She is brought into the barn several times a day to nurse Bella, although at only a week old Bella is munching grasses (and anything else she finds).
This buck is likely Bella's father, although I did not verify that.
This post was titled a "couple" of kids, yet there was only one little goat at Connemara. This is the other cute kid with whom I fell completely in love. She is participating in the White House Easter Egg Roll. The very polished shoes behind her belong to President Obama who helped her with her egg. You just have to love her determination. I also loved the outfit, especially the great boots.
This view of the front lake gives you an idea of what the awakening spring looks like around here.
Visiting the Carl Sandburg National Historic Site is a new and inspiring treat every single time I go. It is so moving to walk and sit in places where Carl Sandburg walked and sat; to stand near his favorite rock where he worked outdoors; to be surrounded by his books and letters. There are echoes of both Carl Sandburg and his wonderful wife Lilian all around.
This post was titled a "couple" of kids, yet there was only one little goat at Connemara. This is the other cute kid with whom I fell completely in love. She is participating in the White House Easter Egg Roll. The very polished shoes behind her belong to President Obama who helped her with her egg. You just have to love her determination. I also loved the outfit, especially the great boots.
Very sweet on all points. We have a small herd of goats (no famous pedigress though) across the road from our front porch. I sit reading and watching there antics. It beats TV every night hands down
There is nothing cuter than a baby goat unless it's an adorable child hunting for easter eggs.
That baby goat is precious....and I agree that little girl is adorable...what a great outfit!
I can see spring is a bit later there in the mountains then here in the Sandhills of NC. I think maybe a week or two and you should see some Morels popping up.
Love that baby goat. How incredibly cute it is. And that child with the egg, getting a bit of assistance from the president, says countless good things to me.
I'll be showing this post to Art tonight when he gets home. He has aways been crazy about goats.
Very sweet looking goats!
Little kids (goats) ARE so cute ... but!!! D has tales to recount of raising goats ... very funny in retrospect.
Sounds like a great place to visit. Will have to check it out. we have goats across the street from us but none hae had kids yet...still waiting. They are so cute to watch.
Carolyn, That's another place I'd love to visit sometime. Seeing the goats and the beauty around there AND those hiking trails---well, that just sounds fabulous!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
What an adorable little goat! A face that would make anyone go ahhhh!
Glad spring is settling in, where you live, and giving you all those wonderful sights and sounds to appreciate!!
Cute kids.... all of them!
This is a beautiful post in every way......the sweet little girl, such a pretty photograph....
I adore goats....and the little kid is lovely, the pedigree definately shows.
The lake and spring awakening is a sight to behold.....
I love goats! I've milked a few in my day. I use to have a spotted Nubian that I called Sparkle. She had 3 kids and we drank her milk. It's been a long time since those days, however. Cute little girl too. What were you doing at the White house? Thanks for visiting my blog.
I'll be going there next month when
I go to the book fest! I want to see the house, books and goats!
I'm actually staying in the Carl Sandburg Room at Flat Rock Inn
B & B!
The first two photos are kinda like puppies, makes you want one. Not thinking about what they are later, all grown up. Goats are nice to look at, glad they belong to somebody else.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
How cool, I didn't know goats wore collars. I'm used to seeing horses in cattle in halters, I guess. You learn something new every day.
The last experience I had with a goat was an ornery old girl who decided it'd be fun to try to headbutt me. In retrospect, I guess it WAS pretty funny!
What a sweet, sweet little goat she is! I too had to smile as I watched the joyful footage of the egg roll this year. It was hard to tell who was having more fun, the guests, or the first family. :c)
We were once on a small dirt road that lead to the beach in Big Sur, California. A small goat much like the one in your picture was holding up "traffic". It walked next to the very nice shiny SUV that was in front of us and head butted the door. That was the funniest thing I saw that whole trip. I bet the urbanites were horrified that little goat dented their tank.
Love the title!! You've managed to capture the sweetness in both kids. Love baby goats!!
Both kids are very cute! Since we are bordered on one side of a goat farm, we see lots of kids all the time - and I never realized how much goat kids can sound like a crying human kid. When we first moved here, it really threw us for a loop - we kept thinking that there was an injured child crying for his or her mother, and we would be ready to leap over the fence to go help when we realized it was just a melodraatic goat kid.
Those are the cutest goats that I've ever seen! I mean it.
Did you see the photo of President Obama running down the White House corridor with his puppy? It was posted at a few days ago. I love that photo. I love the one of the little girl rolling her egg also!
Awwww--love the goats, love the kids, and love the child.
I am smiling as I constantly remind my students in their formal writing--kids are baby goats; baby humans are children.
The students look at me and go HUH?
When I was in San Diego last October to view fire damage, we visited a woman who kept goats. They are wonderfully bold and curious creatures.
Carolyn: Very neat photo from the place many great things were written. I liked your little goat photo and also the stream.
There's something so friendly and sweet about goats! Loved your photos of them! And I agree - I love that girl's outfit! I'd love to have a pair of those boots myself!!
Too cute!
Bella is adorable, as is that sweet little girl! What a beautiful place. I'd love to visit there.
Carl Sandburg's house was one of my favorite places to visit when I was in college down in Greenville, SC. I too was inspired to see where he worked and to know that everything was still just as he left it. I haven't been there in years. Sounds like a good trip for the summer. Thanks for the reminder of a place I have fond memories of.
Thanks, everyone for your comments.
Troutbirder - Yes, watching goats is far better than television.
Dawn - Actually Flat Rock is further ahead than we are here on the mountain. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could find morels?
Robin - I couldn't agree more. Such a change in the celebrations this year. and lesbians were not there to make a statement. They were there because they were invited and welcome!
Kathie - I think Nubians are the most beautiful of goats. Lucky you and lucky children.
Carol - The Flat Rock/Hendersonville Book Fest looks like it will be great this year.
Donna - I thought about you and the other English teachers when I decided upon the title!
Island Rider - Thanks for dropping by. Connemara is lovely in all seasons. We tend to visit more in the winter and early spring before it becomes too crowded.
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