My children did not grow up in this area and I was frequently sending photographs of the beautiful mountains, the waterfalls, and marvelous birds around us. It seemed that starting a blog would be another way to communicate with them and show them our county and the surrounding locations we visit. I never really thought anyone else would read these words.
On April 29, I started a blog, having no idea what I would write or how long it would hold my interest. And now, one year and 246 posts later, I am still at it. I think the most amazing thing is how many blogger buddies I have "met" via the Internet. Every day I look forward to reading your blogs and finding out what is going on in your lives. I do indeed consider you my friends in the blog world. While I never considered that I was writing for anyone else, I often wonder if I would have kept this up without any readers. I am so grateful to all of you who continue to visit. Thank you for many reasons.
So, on with the blog...
We are fortunate to have our kitchen table next to the windows overlooking the birdfeeders on the deck. With the increasing daylight hours, my husband and I love watching the birds while we have dinner. Last night was no exception. We were chatting about Arlen Specter, the flu epidemic, etc., when we suddenly became aware that the trees were silent and the feeders were empty. We looked more closely and saw a very good reason for the quiet. (Sorry for the quality of the photograph. I got only one shot and unfortunately picked up some window reflection.)

Finally the hawk left. Within 15 minutes, the birds returned. They resumed their singing and eating. The episode gave us pause to realize that we also will overcome our dark figures. It may take a bit longer for us, but then, we have more time than the birds. So let's enjoy all the good times.
Thank you, blogger friends. I couldn't have done this without you.