Ellie usually prefers the hard wood. At least there she won't have to share her bed with Lucy.
Lucy often snoozes with her head up. She nods much like an overly tired toddler.
Ellie enjoys the warmth on the deck.

We grilled the turkey on the deck. The warm sunshine felt so wonderful and the golden girls did not want to come back inside. What a lovely Thanksgiving. No fuss, no bother, just the two of us and the dogs. We didn't even watch any football. The day was too nice.
How can it be Friday again so soon? And almost the end of another month. I'll spend today putting away Thanksgiving decorations to make room for the Christmas tree and decorations. Whatever your plans for the weekend, have a safe and happy one.
Oh those beautiful Golden Girls!!!! They aren't too spoiled, are they, Carolyn???? ha ha... Looks like THEY enjoyed their Thanksgiving!!! There's nothing better than a nice nap after a big dinner!!!!
Oh, Carolyn. I want your life. Sigh. Lucky dogs! :)
If I was over your house, I would be sitting on the flower petting your beautiful dogs!
It sounds lovely Carolyn! You're girls looks so content dozing in the sun.
Sound like a day filled with things to be thankful for:
two wonderful dogs
a Sweetie to relax with
sunshine to relax in
no fuss no muss no stress
how much better can it get?
As always ... love your girls.
I was among a crowd of 20 at my daughter's house,... the number fluctuated from 17 to 24 and settled at 20 by Thanksgiving morning. Ages ranging from over 80 down to 7 years old. A wonderful day. Today my friend Kathy who is visiting for weekend and I are having a quiet time at home. cooking (she's doign a French Canadian meat pie) and watching movies. We are thankful for this peaceful day. Love your golden girls!
Love the images of your golden girls!
Here it's the 2 cats that always pick the good sofa or the new mat for little cat naps! Awww...why not..we love them!
How lovely to have such a sunny day......it must have been wonderful to eat outside. The golden girls look happy and content. Did they have turkey to?
Oh who doesn't love the sun and the up lift of one's spirits is soooo nice! The girls look so content! Looks like they had some of that turkey dinner and those carbs just made them sleepy! joking of course.:)
Our Dichi's George & Gracie celebrated their first thanksgiving also with a long walk and then relaxed in the yard. Love those girls
Glad you had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving with the golden girls! We took the dogs for a good long hike yesterday morning so that they were worn out before we left them for 7 hours. But then they got some gravy and bitlets of gross turkey parts with their dinners, so they weren't mad about being left.
I know how your girls feel -- I wanted to nap after my Thanksgiving feast as well. It sounds as if you had the perfect Thanksgiving.
Beautiful goldens..I used to watch my neighbor's elderly golden. I would go over at noon and let him out. He and I were able to walk at the pace...slowly..wonderful dogs..
Rambling Woods
Balmy here, too. Nice to have the sun for our dogs. The Golden Girls must have been in dog heaven - sunning and catching whiffs of a grilled turkey!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend. I'm in the "thinking about decorating" stage. Next weekend I'll git 'er done for sure.
It was a good day, I at enough, but not too much. And had drinks and foot at times of day that do not go hand in hand. But on the holiday you go with the flow. Nothing wrong with coffee at 8 at night.
Your dogs are adorable. Goldens are my favorite breed of dog.
Enjoy the warmth while you can. 60 degrees sound like heaven right about now.
Sounds like a wonderful day Carolyn. The weather was beautiful here too... in the low 60's. Now we can move forward with Christmas. :c)
Glad to meet you! I would be happy to exchange blog listings with you. You live in a beautiful area with lots of waterfalls. I love to hike near you!
I love these sun and shadow pics of your goldens... they're so beautiful. Makes me want to snuggle up for a nap beside them!
We'll be out-of-town for a few days. Read my today's blog. Have a wonderful week.
Thank you all for your comments. Actually, our girls are not terribly spoiled. They may have been the only two dogs in North Carolina who didn't get any Thanksgiving treat other than the usual dry dog food. We dare not give them any food from the kitchen. They have VERY long memories! I would never get them out of the kitchen if we did that.
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