Monday, February 8, 2010

Finches in the Icy Trees

We had freezing rain for more than twenty-four hours. Despite temperatures just above freezing, none of the ice melted and the icicles covering the trees grew longer and longer. Branches came crashing down, unable to bear the additional weight. Trees toppled over, broken or uprooted. The branches fell in the forest and none of them threatened our house.

The birds had little trouble managing in the ice-covered branches. We did see a few minor slips as they landed, but for the most part they didn't seem to mind.

Here are a few photographs of the goldfinches who were constantly flying to the birdfeeders.

This one took some seed to the tree and ate there. Not as efficient, but at least no one kept knocking it off the perch.

This one shows a bit more color. Another sign that spring will come.

The trees were full of birds waiting a turn and all the feeder stations were full for most of the day.

The sun did not make an appearance at all on Friday.

I stayed wet most of the day what with shoveling the driveway and the deck and taking the dogs outside. The snow was rather like a giant Slushy, ice and water and each shovel full was very heavy. When I look at the photographs, I appreciate the beauty of the icy trees. That's one benefit of looking back. It certainly didn't seem beautiful to me when I shoveled and walked dogs in the pouring rain and cold. I used a lot of "dog towels" that day. I'm trying to ignore the weather forecast which is predicting another round of snow and freezing rain for us tomorrow. I've had enough!


George said...

I really like your pictures of the finches. You got much more snow than we did, so shoveling the drive wasn't quite as bad over here. However, we haven't seen the sun in a week!

Vicki Lane said...

Beautiful shots of those icy branches. Looks like we've got some more winter coming.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh that ICE..... We've had our share this winter, haven't we??? And they say there is more coming this week!!!! (Glad we don't live in the D.C. area though.)

Great pictures of your birdies..

Busy Bee Suz said...

The birds look so pretty among all the icy trees. I am glad you were able to keep your feeders full for them.
I can' imagine all the cold slushy snow/ careful out there.
I hope your weather clears up soon, you need some sunshine!!

Rudee said...

I bet you're sore today. Shoveling is such a workout, and the wetter it is, the harder it is to complete. I hope you get a breather, soon.

We're expecting our first big snowfall tomorrow, too. We've had very little which I've not minded, but it isn't good for the environment. We should have had about 3 feet total by now and maybe we've had less than 10 inches total all season.

Here's hoping for a healthier snowpack for Michigan on Tuesday. May it skip you entirely.

Sam said...

Sorry about the bad weather, but at least it makes for good photos. Those are beautiful.

Courtney at SL's No Ennui said...

That was a beautiful intro! And your pictures are AMAZING.

It hasn't been cold here. Not above 39, anyway.

Cicero Sings said...

Ice and freezing rain sure aren't fun. Glad you have a room to cozy up in with those Golden Girls. I can't give Mingus a tennis ball as he tears it to shreds and in pretty short order.

Your finch/ice pictures are lovely.

Cedar ... said...

Sad about the ice and the trees breaking. That happened here in 1998. I've never thought an ice covered tree was pretty since then. Love the finches and their perseverance! Hang in there, spring will come!

Cheryl said...

The photographs are absolutely stunning....I love them.

We had snow today.....more is expected in the week....heavy snowfalls on Thursday. Looks like it is going to be a long winter.

Understand the towel thing....Nella is going through way too many......

Twisted Fencepost said...

I can only imagine how bad it is up there. We've had lots of rain this year. And the mud is driving me nuts. Can't wait for it to dry up AND warm up.

Jeannette StG said...

Poor you -wish I could give you a piece of the weather here. Has been raining, but it's in the 60ties, and no snow or ice (at leas in the vallies! Hope you can stay warm and dry today!

It makes for extraordinary pics though -I love the 2nd one:)

robin andrea said...

The photos really are quite beautiful. It's amazing how much snow and ice make the world seem black and white. Very stark and contrasty. The only flash of color are those hearty birds. I bet they love those feeders in that weather.

I hope all the snow and ice pass quickly, and blue skies and sun return soon.

Barb said...

Oh, those poor groaning trees. Yes, the ice looks like crystals, but the damage is often greater than the beauty. Hope you are spared another storm. Friends are in Breckenridge from MD and have not been able to fly home. They just called and said they may have to stay another few days because of this newest storm.

Erica Houskeeper said...

These shots are really beautiful. I wonder what the birds think about all of those icy branches! They're probably ready for spring, just like the rest of us.

KB said...

Beautiful photos, and having colorful finches in icy trees is a true treat!

Sorry about the lousy weather. I remember many days like that one when I lived on the east coast. Hope it looks up!

Ruth said...

You really have had your share of winter while we have been spared from heavy snow falls and freezing rain (so far) Hope things moderate for you soon...

Beth said...

Your pictures are very beautiful. But the beauty of ice is certainly a terrible beauty with the damage it inflicts on the trees and shrubs. I do hope you have been spared more ice and snow. We were pleasantly surprised this morning to see that we didn't get (so far anyway) the expected ice and snow up here north of you.

Dog_geek said...

Well, we are currently getting snow-showered again. i hope you don't end up with a bunch more ice!

We were just talking today about how we have so many fewer goldfinches at our feeders this winter than usual - wondering if maybe the extra harsh winter drove them farther south. Anyway, we are saving on thistle seed this year, since not nearly as many birds are partaking.

Anonymous said...

We got the same storm but with snow too! Lost power for 3 days. Loved the bird photos - they can use the extra feed on those days!

Folkways Note Book said...

I agree with your weather comment -- I've had enough. From Kentucky -- I feel the same way as I sit here waiting for the single digits to arrive tonight and the rain we had all day and the snow tomorrow -- But to put it in perspective -- the real time is natures time.

Jayne said...

Oh, the ice... I do hope you all don't get slammed again Carolyn.

troutbirder said...

Beautifully icy scenes.... but the back trying to shovel that awfully heavy stuff....ouch I can feel it all the way up here!

Dawn Fine said...

Very cool photos!