Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Clouds Down in the Valleys

We finally got to drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway last week. The fog was lying in the valleys like sleeping clouds waiting for a wake-up call from the sun. The sky was hazy with puffs of clouds often lining the horizon.

The sun came out and we saw plenty of wildflowers along the roadside.

There is just a hint of color on the mountains. In fact, no more than we have at home a thousand feet lower in elevation. There will be color though, and I will show it to you in a few weeks. (You can see a bit more color if you click on the photo.)

Meanwhile, here is plenty of fall color in a scarf I recently finished.

I love this pattern which deceptively simple and always looks good. It's called "Feather and Fan" and the pattern repeats after four rows. Two of the rows are simply knitting and one of them is purling. The third row is a combination of "knit two together" and "yarnover." How simple is that? I love patterns I can easily memorize and this is one of them. Much more fun to be able to watch a movie or talk and knit at the same time.


D.K. Wall said...

Not sure how much color we are going to have - some of the early trees are already dropping leaves. But I like whatever we get.

3 dogs said...

I just found your blog... and I must say that I am green with envy. I would so love to move to the mountains- I can't begin to express how badly I would like to make that move. To save myself, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't ever look at your blog again- but resisting temptation has never been my strong suit. :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carolyn: Wonderful photos of a special place, Thanks for sharing the drive. Your scarf is quite colorful for the Fall and Winter.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

I look forward to your fall color pix of the mountains.
Your scarf is so pretty!

I'm goin to have to start a new project soon...

Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful mountain pictures!
That's my kind of I don't have to keep referring back to a piece of paper for.

The Bug said...

Oh I miss those mountains! I tried really hard to appreciate it when I lived in Waynesville & drove to Ashevill to work every day - but I'm not sure I ever really did...

Rae said...

It must be wonderful to wake up to that mountain beauty each day. I wake up to flat cornfields. The mountains would be a nice change.

Carol Murdock said...

I'm really getting homesick for the mountains with all you girls posting such great photos. Maybe in Nov or Dec I'll get there, won't get to see the leaves but I just need to the mountains! :)
The scarf is gorgeous!!

KB said...

Beautiful pictures. The parkway is a favorite destination of ours. Love the scarf! I recently took up knitting and have yet to learn the yarn overs and knit togethers. Hopefully soon. I'd love to make something that gorgeous.

Vicki Lane said...

Lovely pictures! I think I recognize those clouds -- the ones like a flock of sheep. ;-)

We have very little color yet but a few more weeks may make a big change. We'll see.

Rudee said...

One of my brother's drove to Charlottesville and said the colors in Pennsylvania were about 50% changed. I haven't seen quite that much in southern Michigan yet, but it'll be soon.

It's cold here. Hat and coat cold. That scarf would have come in handy for my walk last night. Feather and Fan is a lovely stitch.

George said...

When I lived in Black Mountain we loved going to the Parkway when there was fog in the valleys. It looked like an enchanted world. I look forward to seeing your pictures sof the color is a couple of weeks.

Karin said...

Absolutely g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s!! Thanks for sharing them!

KB said...

Love the fog photos. They seem mystical.

It's amazing that our autumn colors are peaking, and yours have barely started. It'll be fun to have an 'extended autumn' by following your blog.

Gorgeous scarf!

Sam said...

I can't wait for the color to start coming here. Unfortunately, as I said on KB's blog, many of the trees have already shed most of their leaves. I don't know if it is just a species thing or not, I don't know much about it, but I'd hate to not see color now that I've really started appreciating all the trials I have here to walk on.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Carolyn, We don't have much color here yet either. BUT--now that it's cooler this week, hopefully we will have more color in a few weeks also.

Love seeing the fog in the valley--and those beautiful Blue Ridge Mtns. Life is good, isn't it???

Your scarf is gorgeous. LOVE the colors. I don't knit -but love seeing the talent that others have.

Jayne said...

Pretty scarf Carolyn! Can't wait to see your mountains ablaze. :c)

Appalachian Lady said...

Lovely mountain shots-still waiting for color in Virginia too. I love the scarf. I have been doing some embroidery myself.

Barb said...

I love when you post the mountains receding in the haze - so dreamy looking. That scarf would go great with my new coat! I'll be waiting for your fall colors. It's snowing here in CO.

Leedra said...

That red is showing in the mountains. I have got to my smokies real soon. Would love to get over to NC, but don't think we will make it this year with the way Jimmy is working.

Is that knit pattern simple enough for you to send it to me? I love the way that looks.

Dawn Fine said...

Lovely fall colored scarf..
your sky photos are so should do some skywatch posts ...others would really enjoy these.

Wendy said...

I love your photos of the Parkway. I live on the other side of Asheville, so I don't get out to that side much. We're getting some color, but then it rains hard and the leaves get knocked off.

I posted some photos today from our trip to Max Patch. I am like you; I prefer going out mid-week for the solitude. But my husband has to work then...