We loved the May Day festivities, not only for the fun and the costumes, but also for the fact that May Day meant the school year was almost completed.
Now, on to the Golden Girls. The girls do not have free rein in our house. They are not allowed in the wing that has the guest bedroom, library, and my study. Often when I am in my study I glance up to see a Golden at the hallway entrance. More often than not it is Ellie, checking to see if I'm still in here and if I might come out and play.
Although they are not allowed to play ball upstairs, Ellie always brings up a tennis ball. Most of the time she carries two of them around. She uses them to muffle the sound when she "talks" to me.
Whenever Lucy realizes that Ellie has left a room, she goes out in search of her. Here they both stand, pleading with me to leave the study.

The Golden Girls are almost always near each other, often side by side. This is instigated by Lucy who will go wherever Ellie is and lie down beside her.

Lucy is falling asleep. Soon she will plop her head on Ellie and use her for a pillow.

I hope this first day and weekend of May brings joy to your life. Whatever May Day means to you, celebrate your life and the lives of those whom you love. This wonderful month of May will bring us the spring that April flirted with.
Enjoy this weekend and do at least one thing that brings you joy. Do something nice for someone else, and do something nice for yourself.
Stay safe and happy.
I'm always impressed at how well-behaved your girls are and how well they get along together.
When I was in college May Day was a big event with a May Queen and a May Pole. I imagine those days are gone forever.
I have such a longing for a new dog-these two only serve to make the need feel more urgent. Wow. They are stunning. I love the picture of the balls stuffed in Ellie's mouth. Precious.
Oh Carolyn, what a bad Mother to make those precious girls suffer and beg! Ha!
Ellie looks so pitiful!
We don't allow free rein either.
Jake and Sadie actually have their own room, it was the sun room before we got them.
They bred this week so in about sixty days we should have babies for faamily and friends then it's gonna to be off to the Vet for surgery!
May Day was big when I was young too!
Oh - those photos are lovely! The girls are so beautiful! Love the two tennis balls in mouth! Great shots! And my granddaughter celebrates May Day with a wonderful maypole celebration with songs and lots of joy, so I guess, in pockets here and there, the rituals still happen!
Hugs xo
Love the pics with the two tennis balls - my pointy-snooted dogs only seem to have room for one at a time!
As always the girls give me a smile and a peaceful feeling! Thanks!
Hi Carolyn,
I'm old enough to remember the May Pole quite well. Actually, my little 6 year old Granddaughter would love that ritual of spring. Ellie and Lucy remind me of my sweet Breezy, gone for 4 years now but still missed.
Carolyn, You are one of a very few people who have dogs --who give them rules and boundaries. I love that!!!!
I hate to go to someone's home and see their pets on all of the furniture and beds and everywhere in the house... YOU do a great job with the Goldens!!!
I laughed at Ellie having TWO tennis balls in her mouth at the same time. How cute is that... I know I've asked you before--but which one is the older? Lucy????
We had the Maypole also when I was in elementary schoo... Wonder why schools got rid of that. It was a special day!
Have a wonderful day and week. I'll post one more time in the morning--but then I'll be gone for about 9 days.
Double post.... Duh!!!!
Your "girls" are golden and gorgeous! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I always love to have a new blogger friend. You have chosen a wonderful area of the country to retire. 30 yrs ago my husband and I moved to NC from New York and we would have loved to settle in the mountains, but there wasn't enough work to sustain us there.
Enjoy your retirement !!
So cute! I thought that was a banana in her mouth at first. LOL
Ellie is a very talented dog - or she has a large mouth! My dogs have tried to master carrying 2 tennis balls for years, and have never succeeded. Ellie could teach them!
Your two girls are so beautiful.
Beautiful post and beautiful girls!
Happy May day!
Great photos of your dogs. They're beautiful, and so cute. Funny that one of them likes to carry 2 tennis balls.
Cute goldies...
I had a golden many years back and she wasn't allowed in the living room unless it was cold inside the house and we would build a fire and she would sit next to it.
Often times when it was warm and she wanted to come into the living room she would shiver to make us feel badly for her and let her in. Smart little critters.
Your Golden are lovely ! :D
Thanks for coming by to our blog, maybe you can make your dog a blog, so that you can meet all golden from all over the world (:
That she can fit two balls in her mouth ... what a hoot. It is nice that the girls have each other. I hate to think if one goes .... Lucy is SO attached to Ellie. I'm not sure which is the older either ... I always think of Ellie as the older.
awe, so beautiful and well behaved.....can you come to my house and train my goldens?! :)
i love my dogs, but have to say i am not a good trainer, not my forte, nor is grooming....i can just hear ellie woo wooing with her balls in her mouth, too cute!
have a great wknd!
Ah, that's my vision of a Golden - mouth loaded with tennis balls!
There is an all girls school here that does a huge May Day celebration each year. The photos are always so lovely to see.
Your girls are so well behaved Carolyn. I love seeing them side by side like this.
I am going to see a community theater production of My Fair Lady this evening. Several members of my church are in it, and our choir director is producing/directing. Should be fun!
Carolyn: The girls look comfy, I remember the May Day celebration and the May pole.
Baskets. I remember the baskets my mom sent me off with. And the Golden Girls... how sweet and lovable.
I had a May basket delivered on May day....that was fun. My cat is not allowed in my bedroom. Sometimes when we have been gone and she hears the front door....she can be seen running out of our bedroom (o:
How can you resist the golden girls....they would have me wrapped right around their little finger....seriously well done you for your excellent training....
In the UK our Morris dancers get up at 5.30 a.m. on first May and welcome the new month. They dance on the hillside, in the forests etc all dressed in beautiful costume.....it is a tradition that goes back years and years........
Happy May to you and yours.....
Thanks for your comments, everyone.
Carol - Looks like you have some fun times ahead. Congratulations and good luck!
Barb - Those wonderful dogs are never forgotten, are they? We had two dogs before the Golden Girls and we still think fondly of them.
Betsy - Ellie occasionally puts THREE tennis balls in her mouth at once. She doesn't do it often enough for me to grab a photo, but I keep hoping.
Ginnie - Thanks, we DO love the area and we also love retirement.
KB - Lucy also can carry two, but she doesn't seem to love tennis balls as much as Ellie does. Chase them...yes, but not to carry them.
Cicero - Ellie is older by two years. She will be 6 the end of June and Lucy will be 4 in early July.
Kim - We might have gone a bit overboard with training simply because they are the first big dogs we had. Both were in puppy kindergarten and then a series of obedience training classes. It makes my life simpler if they know the boundaries and abide by them.
Jayne - Hope you enjoyed the performance. I love the music.
Troutbirder - I had forgotten about May Baskets. We used to make them and distribute them to the neighbors.
Cheryl - Golden puppies are so cute that people used to ask me how we could train them. I told them that every time I looked at that cute little ball of fluff I saw a 70-pound dog looking back at me. The May dancers on the hillside makes a beautiful sight I am sure.
Lovely day! I hope you enjoy the weekend and spring weather!
I just love your gals! And that tennis ball she has stuffed in her mouth - it made me laugh out loud!
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