Monday, May 5, 2008

Driving Above the Clouds

On a recent morning, my husband and I found ourselves driving above the clouds. The photos were taken near Mt. Pisgah. (Click to enlarge.)

There were clouds above us and clouds below us.

When scattered clouds are resting on the bosoms of hills,
it seems as if one might climb into the heavenly region,
earth being so intermixed with sky,
and gradually transformed into it.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The clouds,
--the only birds that never sleep. - Victor Hugo
How sweet to be a cloud
Floating in the blue
A.A. Hodge

Gradually, the clouds merged showing us a bit of blue sky.

Clouds on clouds
In volumes driven
Curtain round the vault of Heaven
Thomas Love Peacock


Jayne said...

Beautiful scenes and quotes. So peaceful and serene...

Stacey Olson said...

Beautiful and mysterious! great photos. thanks for sharing

NCmountainwoman said...

Jayne - thanks. We were quite surprised to find ourselves in the lovely setting. It was totally unexpected.
Stacey - yes, it was rather mysterious, especially when we actually drove through one of the clouds.