It has been said by many experts that in our present media frenzied "reporting" there's no way a man in a wheelchair would be elected President of the United States. As for Abraham Lincoln? The "media" would forget his dramatic words and report these things:

Somehow we learn to take it all in stride...the bumper stickers that warn us we are "baby killers" if we support a woman's choice to make a dreadful decision; the ones that indicate that if we don't believe (insert favorite) then we're unAmerican, that every kid in the house is an honor student that you'll take their guns when you pry them from their cold, dead fingers. I am extremely tolerant about bumper stickers. I laugh at many of them even when I disagree with what they might say. After all...clever is clever. And while I may not agree with the bumper stickers, it seldom affects my feelings about the person. There is room for all opinions.
One can learn a great deal about another person by the bumper stickers on the car. My husband and I laughed a lot during the last election. One of us would point out a neighbor's car and the other one say, "Now, THAT's a big surprise." And we would laugh. We are friends with all kinds of people and as long as they don't say something racial or anti-gay, we can tolerate their views as only one part of their personality.
But there has recently appeared a bumper sticker that is far worse than any I've ever seen or imagined. You will likely see this one as it spreads into your area:
One the surface, this looks like yet another political/religious bumper sticker. Well...far from it.
Here is the Psalm and verse to which the bumper sticker refers:
Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
So what's so bad about that? How is it much different from the "Impeach Bush" signs? It's much worse because of the next verse. It is not specifically referenced, but when you read one verse of a Psalm, you automatically read the next one. Here is the next verse:
Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
The reference to this verse can be ordered on a tee shirt or coffee mug in addition to the bumper sticker. Can you imagine drinking your morning coffee in a mug that asks prayers for the death of any person...much less the President of the United States?
Usually a person who "let's go" and doesn't dwell on things that upset me, I find this bumper sticker makes my blood boil every time I see it. I don't have words to describe the feelings I have, but I can tell you that if someone drove into my driveway sporting this bumper sticker I would likely tell them they are not welcome in my home.